Torrential–in the branches–time comes down, and Sibyl can’t stop the clock. Every word that Heather speaks she wants to hear before leaving the world. Nothingness enchants nothing. Show her the roots of your sound, Heather. Let your dense coronation ring–go to the sundial and redial it, find sundown’s second down. Enter with your heart’s chords the universal orchard universal in violet. Something is blackening over the rainbow, perhaps it is a rock fracture in the mountains. And so you will hate to listen to the blood’s sea-shadow. You run away to sea and I to tea.
Print & Digital Issues
Issue 112, published October 2024, features works of poetry, flash fiction, short nonfiction, and visual art by Tobi Alfier, Sophia Carlisle, Jan Ball, Bordnick studio, Kit Carlson, Robert Carr, Sarah Das Gupta, Lynn D. Gilbert, GJ Gillespie, Steven Goldman, Yewon Han, Michael Hower, Kathryn Jordan, Raphael H Kosek, Aiden Kwon, Jennifer LeBlanc, Laurie Lindop, Alice Lowe, Pam F. Martin, Cecil Morris, Samantha Moya, J. Alan Nelson, Jennifer M Phillips, Brendan Praniewicz, Stevie Rosenfeld, Claire Scott, Rosanne Singer, Ignatius O'Neill Sridhar, John L. Stanizzi, Lucinda Trew, Nick Visconti, Matt Wanat, Ann Weil, and Stephen Curtis Wilson.