Five Haikus
by Anita Garza
([email]anital [at] burningword [dot] com[/email])

Tossing and turning
Awake, I am, in the night
Slumber will not come

Safely protected
In your arms, I want to be
From all things evil

Daylight brings laughter
In the heart of the city
Night, dangers abound

Children dream pleasures
Joyful and playful their lives
Pray, they find their way

Spring rain sparkles bright
Winter, dormant life awaits
Spring rain makes life new

by Michael William Giberson
([email]michaelg [at] burningword [dot] com[/email])

Should the dead rise
To take your stead,

And you lay
Bleeding in his place,

The silent covenant
Between you bred

Of circumstance
Would not alter.

Do not rage your dissolving heart.
Do not rail God’s dusty plan.