Two strangers fuck you into existence.

Then they tell you they love you.

They tell you they love you and then some.

“Weedee doodee doodee deee.”

“Pee on the potty.”

“Learn your tables of arithmetic.”

“Clean up your room.”

“How much pain I suffered putting you into this world!”

“Don’t get that girl pregnant.”

“Do you think that car runs on thin air?”

“Don’t become like your father!”

“Don’t listen to your mother!”

“When will you get a decent job?”

“Are you working on my grandchildren yet?”

“Why don’t you show some respect?”

“Is that why I worked my ass off for you?”

“You have it so easy. When I was your age…”

Blah, blah, blah.

You watch them all this time.

They claim they know you.

You wonder who they are.

Then they die.

Then you do.


by Nolan Keating