

I tell you, I’ve had a poem brewing in my head

And you say, oh really

And maybe I detect your disinterest, but maybe I don’t

Either way, I don’t care if you don’t care

I continue


The words have been churning away, I say

And you nod, yeah that’s cool

Too preoccupied by the TV and waves of conversation

Tides coming in, fluctuating volumes of voices

Yes, sure, you reassure

I’m listening, go ahead, keep talking


But I guess it doesn’t really matter

About that pin I found buried under papers

Whether it truly is an artifact of Hispanic culture

Or just another manufactured stand-in

Courtesy of the America we know and love


I confess, I epitomize myself

Plucking up Corn Pops from a thrift store cup

Sipping at Tylenol like it’s a candy-covered elixir

Only to shadow grasp

Stare down my red-eyed Savior


I tell you, My words feel too stiff

No matter how much the tendrils of spring

Twine ‘round my ankles, drowning this February

Or how many slips of birth control pills I swallow

Or how often I watch my blue-tailed betta swim

Or how long a bucket of carnations sits in the corner by the sink


Too many sensations, I say

Sometimes add up to not much at all

And you gift a glance

And you masquerade around my self-proclaimed doctrine

You are so deep, you promise like a mother


I re-cross my legs

The matter is done and I want coffee

You agree, but wait a moment

Maybe your wallet is thinning

Maybe it’s empty


by Sarah Lucille Marchant



Devilish Daydream


I fool myself into thinking I’m flattering

the hipster boy in the second row

by shamelessly ogling his knit hat

and imagining my fingers tracing his tattoos.


Blinking, counting down sleep, my lips

at his cheekbones, neck, collarbone.


Black tea paints my throat,




I stroll through day-space, a blot of

color, an awkward stumble down the stairs,

plucking music measures

and privately planting them

in other people’s heads.


Rub my eyes, shut

the door, lay out your

thoughts in the

fiercest whisper.


by Sarah Lucille Marchant