I must keep loading more photos
of alpine bogs on Wikipedia to substitute
for real travel. I have found the gathered
heather, drying after the scythe, to be naturally
deficient, despite their colors and texture
but the photographs….suffice? Yes. Someday,
I’ll skip stones from a seated position
on a much larger, flatter stone. I will cut my
fingernails and learn Gaelic, I will sing
as loudly as my lungs are able to project
(and many more things I cannot promise
I keep quiet to myself). I will dance and my partner
will possess two parallel and equivalent braids.
There will be a cold wind—the heather, here,
alive and well, shaking in its grasp. I will laugh
at a willow grouse. I will cite all my sources,
because my upbringing was strangely emphatic
when it came to academic honesty. Blooming,
in its final moments, the sun sets. Rays! Rays all over.
Payton Cuddy is a native of Bryn Mawr, PA. He is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in English at Kenyon college.
A brilliant young man with boundless potential!