The burly bouncer, seated comfortably on a barstool,

mumbled with a sigh of boredom that he needed some ID.


I told him that, most certainly, all of us have needs;

food, shelter, and clothing are the most basic needs.


Love, companionship, and sometimes just someone to lean on

are other important needs.


I told him I needed a beer and a restroom;  not necessarily in that order.

For me, both of which were important needs.


Completely unflappable, he still needed some ID.

Telling him that he could probably satisfy this need

by looking in his wallet ended our philosophical discussion.


I pissed in the dark alleyway behind the bar,

and after taking a beer from the open storeroom,

ambled off into the still early evening.


It was Saturday night; Monday morning seemed to me

to be as relevant as the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin.


Roy Dorman


Roy Dorman is retired from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Benefits Office and has been a voracious reader for 60 years. He has had poetry and flash fiction published recently in Burningword Literary Journal, Drunk Monkeys, The Screech Owl, Crack The Spine, and Lake City Lights.