Gardenia hues

A Gardenia

changing hues

in the summer temper

What color am I

when I am mad?


The toad is lonely too

A fallen tree

and a toad

following my heels

as I carry the weight

of both our loneliness


Leg ashes

Shadows glide across

her white face

as she stands and observes

the motion of my blistered feet

that walk across the ashes

of her legs


Grief and the gypsy dancer

Someone grieving over me

as I stand on the roof

and watch the mysterious movement

of a gypsy dancer


Bat flames

A pile of bones

and the ghost of a bat

circling the fire

I have started

just to dance

and feel exciting


by Ashlie Allen

Ashlie Allen lives in the east coast, where she plans to attend Literature school. She also has plans to study photography.