hide with me

in the unfinished corner

of creation


from Hannibal,

Busta Rhymes,

and Google


Matthew McConaughey

will have no power

until sundown.


we will play yahtzhee in the dark,

the dice with convex dots

so we can feel something


there are lightning bolts

in our eyes and we can split trees

by looking.


let’s read

the curvature

of the horizon

to each other

fingers thrust into the copper blood soil

your face deep in citrus and silver.

it’s dark but for your thoughts

and the full clouds.


by Akiva Savett

Akiva J. Savett’s poetry has been published in a chapbook entitled Preservation and appeared in The Orange Room Review, Poetry Quarterly, Kerem, Circa, The Red River Review, In Parentheses, Four And Twenty, The Eunoia Review, Etcetera, and was published in The Washington Post’s “Autobiography As Haiku.” He teaches English and Advanced Placement Literature at Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland. He holds an MA in English from University of Delaware and lives in suburban Maryland with his wife Alison and two children.