put to light

what you like

you need let

out of the deep

gnawing in you

go all the way

down then a little

more each time down

and you will eventually

take Holden and Phoebe

Caulfield by the hand

bringing them up

out of the basement

into the great room

where the three of you

play naked bingo

with the truth

laughing like loons

it is rock solid joy

that feeling of being

everywhere connected

to everything always

in your soul able to

come back to this place

when you lose your way

don’t believe it doesn’t

exist this wending to

the moment again and

again maybe glimpses

are all we get and

they will have to be

enough that and a good

memory for all those

times in between when

the descent of time

is made real by our

faltering dance with



by King Grossman


King Grossman is a poet and novelist, currently working on his fourth novel in a lovely studio at Carmel-by-the-Sea, and has participated in the Texas Writers’ Guild (2005), Aspen Summer Words (2009, 2010, 2015), Christian Writers’ Guild (2007), Algonkian Writer Conference (2010) and CUNY Hunter College Writers’ Conference (2011). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Crack the Spine, Forge, Qwerty, and Tiger’s Eye. He is a social justice activist regularly participating in nonviolent public actions to address climate change, economic injustice, inhumane immigration policy, etc., and also serves with Christian Peacemaker Teams in the West Bank Palestinian territory. He has been called a poetic-Christian-anarchist-golfer. You will most likely find him writing at his studio in Carmel or at his other hideout in the eclectic, far West Texas town of Marfa.