Let the bombs fall
Let the princes seize power
I’m too tired to stop them
I’m too weary to care
I’ve eliminated evolution from my own ambitions
It’s a bad day
When you can no longer dance
To your own tune
For sophistication has suffocated in the ashes of the banal
And trepidation has triumphed
When we were up against the big dogs
And charity lacked the right tone to spur us
To stand up and be counted down
Since all that was needed was the compliance of good people
For the slaughter of countless millions
Because we’d forgotten the math
In our assumption that truth will out
And our shelving of responsibility
When the cutlass is drawn and barbarians
Are through the gates
Hacking at your ankles
With the merciless stupidity of impatient humans


Josef Krebs

Josef Krebs’ poetry appears in Burningword Literary Journal, Agenda, Bicycle Review, Calliope, Mouse Tales Press, The Corner Club Press, The FictionWeek Literary Review, and Crack the Spine. A short story has been published by blazeVOX and a chapbook of his poems will be published soon by Etched Press. He’s written three novels, five screenplays, and a book of poetry. His film was successfully screened at Santa Cruz and Short Film Corner of Cannes film festivals. The past seven years he’s been working as a freelance writer for Sound&Vision magazine having previously worked at the magazine for 15 years as a staff writer and editor.