At low tide, they write words

in the dark, damp sand

pledging their love forever.


Later that evening,

while enjoying each other’s company

over a candlelight dinner,

high tide quietly relieves them of the commitments

of those sandy etchings.


The following morning,

without much ado,

they murmur good-byes;

each moving on to new beaches.


Roy Dorman


Roy Dorman is retired from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Benefits Office and has been a voracious reader for over 60 years.  At the prompting of an old high school friend, himself a retired English teacher, Roy is now a voracious writer.  He has had poetry and flash fiction published over the last couple of years in Mulberry Fork Review,  Burningword Literary Journal, Cease Cows, Birds Piled Loosely, Drunk Monkeys, Crack The Spine, Gap-Toothed Madness, Gravel, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, One Sentence Poems, Theme of Absence, Yellow Mama, Black Petals, Near To The Knuckle, Flash Fiction Magazine, Flash Fiction Press, Cheapjack Pulp, Shotgun Honey, and other online literary sites.