Young girls make me smile

And cry at the same time

They are a bundle of dynamite

And a hurricane rolled into


But she just sits with a

Book as we’re passing

By a river

She reads while I look at that

Redhead of hair she owns

I think about her perfect tits

Hiding under her t-shirt

I want to take her hand

And whisk her off somehere

Make the time roll back

I watch her right resting

Still as a prayer


by Erren Kelly


Erren Kelly is a Pushcart nominated poet from Los Angeles. Erren has been writing for 25 years and have over 150 publications in print and online in such publications as Hiram Poetry Review, Mudfish, Poetry Magazine(online), Ceremony, Cactus Heart, Similar Peaks, Gloom Cupboard, Poetry Salzburg and other publications.