Fragile girl; the delicate grass-blade’s dewily soft sheen
trances me, sends me into a liquid dream or reverie;
Novitius symbolum of I, the belfry, and you-
Great bell for the angelus, siphoning to my growerly
Every furrow and bone of the sphere’s celestial
stars; Belle’s water; “indicator of the reborn sun:”
The radiant pavonids of your eyes; you pull my dreams
Right from my throat, bestowing to my crown the gift;
Traumas eclipsed by divine ascendening frequencies
Of autotelically-wide, shy- blue translucent eyes,
Eyes I recognize to be just as true and soft as those
Of Hazel: sheathed in her bright robes, inscribing me
In rainbow body and jewels, dispelling samsara. Great
Mahayana vehicle; sweet recalling dreams