Arlo was strolling down Pike Street one morning when he saw a woman sitting on a bench in front of a sex shop, madly trying to light a cigarette.  She looked to be in her early twenties, was tall and slim with azure blue hair, and her milky white skin was adorned with tats and piercings.  She looked vaguely familiar so he offered her a light and they chatted it up a bit.

Her name was Oona, and he found out that they were at the same Poetry Slam event the month before.  She told him that she just moved to Seattle, used to work as a dominatrix, and that her wife, Didi, was a tranny.  She also revealed that she once lived in a coven and was a witch.

Afterwards, he took her shopping at a place that carried a wide assortment of the dark, Goth clothing befitting her persona.

They met several other times that month, always followed by more shopping sprees.  Arlo could see what was happening but it almost didn’t matter because he just wanted to be in her presence, at whatever cost.  He liked to buy her needful, shiny things.  She liked to get those needful, shiny things.

During the following months, Arlo fell into the role of servant to Oona and Didi: running errands, delivering takeout food, chauffeuring, and helping them furnish the apartment they shared with another tranny.  He truly enjoyed this role.

One day, she told him that she unexpectedly inherited some property in New York and would be moving back there within the week.

Arlo felt hurt and lost without her.  Eventually he figured out a way to sooth the pain and kick-start his life back up again; he would immortalize her in print.


by A.R. Bender