A boy of birdpoems

and monstrous stories


a painter of numbered rocks

frozen from their histories


a swinger of vines

a creek leaper


a loam digger

and salamander nabber


a boy of graveyards

and grave making


a boy of bramble wanders

scraping a new way


a boy of blush faces

and hidden dreads


and strange songs

etching his lobes


a boy who made me

in the shadow of his spots of time


buried in synapse gaps

of retold dreams


that I might still see the stars

shimmer an ancient sky


David Sam


Born in Pennsylvania, David Anthony Sam has written poetry for over 40 years. He lives in Virginia with his wife and life partner, Linda. Sam has three collections and was the featured poet in the Spring 2016 issue of The Hurricane Review and the inaugural issue of Light: A Journal of Photography & Poetry. His poetry has appeared in over 60 journals and publications. His chapbook Finite to Fail: Poems after Dickinson was the 2016 Grand Prize winner of GFT Press Chapbook Contest and his collection All Night over Bones received an Honorable Mention for the 2016 Homebound Poetry Prize.