Dusty, moldy, musty

Yellowed, brown stained

Wrinkled, tattered pages

Faded ink, missing leaves

Broken spine

Forgotten on the shelf

Few visitors


Antiseptic smell

Darkened, liver spots

Wrinkled, translucent skin

Gray, thinning hair

Achy back, swollen joints

Forgotten in the home

Few visitors


Have all their pages been written?


Priceless, rare editions

Stores of wisdom

Treasured stories


Will all their pages be read?


Suzanne Cottrell


Suzanne Cottrell, an Ohio buckeye by birth, lives with her husband and three rescue dogs in rural Piedmont North Carolina. An outdoor enthusiast and retired teacher, she enjoys hiking, biking, gardening, and Pilates. She loves nature and its sensory stimuli and particularly enjoys writing and experimenting with poetry and flash fiction. Her poetry has appeared in The Avocet, The Weekly Avocet, The Remembered Arts Journal, Plum Tree Tavern, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Three Line Poetry, Haiku Journal, Tanka Journal, Poetry Quarterly, Dragon Poet Review, and Naturewriting.