Sometime Too Natural Shapes

Four vultures sit in silent conference

It’s been observed they will not land

To pick clean

A carcass whose blood was let

In the shape of a spiral.

We should follow their example,

Being scavengers.


Constellations of Necessity

As children

We mapped the stars with peerless confidence

Charting elephants, turtles

And long-tailed snarling dragons


I’ve found, living in the city

I can do this with the lit squares of dim office spaces

Though the animals I conjure

Are altogether less inspired


But There are Dragons in this City

I may even be a part of someone else’s

I keep the lights turned bright for them

In hopes I’ll be its eye


Omri Kadim

Omri Kadim was born in London and has since lived in Paris, Tel Aviv, Athens, Vienna and New York. He writes both poetry and dramatic works, with several plays having been produced in New York and a recent short film he co-wrote having been accepted into the Cannes Short Film Corner 2016. His poems follow Pound’s dictum, “Fundamental accuracy of statement is the sole morality of writing’ and thus are often Spartan in their composition.