never planned for much, really
money is nice
not spending much of it
gets to pick roles now
monogamy being one
still lives on south side, one bedroom
no car
has to show up
jamming with friends
playing transports
former second stringer
to starter at rolling stone
his soul releases its fears
stage fright still problematic,
inherited achilles heal
like his immigrant family
son of serious evangelicals
rebelled, as all do,
abandoned the faith
after screaming arguments
acting like it never happened
on his way to hell, then
malevolent storm destroyed his home
with him in it, reformed
demons driven out
ran away to just be
actor he always was
able to transport even others
to his frank reality
making them see
what they are not supposed to
“An artist is somebody who produces things that people
don’t need to have.”- Andy Warhol
Dan Jacoby is a graduate of St. Louis University, Chicago State University, and Governors State University. He has published poetry in Anchor and Plume(Kindred), Arkansas Review, Belle Reve Literary Journal, Bombay Gin, Burningword Literary Review, Canary, Indiana Voice Journal, Wilderness House Literary Review, Steel Toe Review, The American Journal of Poetry, and Red Fez to name a few. He is a former educator, steel worker, and army spook.. He is a member of the Carlinville Writers Guild . Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2015. He is currently looking for a publisher for a collection of poetry.