Brownie 01

Polaroid 01
Raised in the American Midwest in what was once known as The German Triangle, Josef Wilhelm “Jupp” Soetebier’s work explores what effect his Deutsch heritage, ancestral family, and the myths and traditions of his peoples have had on memory and the way he perceives and goes about the world. His un-retouched photography of the American West are created using his father’s 1950 Kodak Hawkeye Brownie and uncle’s 1967 Polaroid 210 Automatic Land Camera. A frequent exhibitor at The Other Art Fair by Saatchi, stARTup, and Conception; his work was recently included in the 79th Crocker Kingsley in Sacramento and a solo show at Acumen Gallery in Napa Valley. Jupp currently maintains a working studio in Los Angeles and resides in Northern California with his wife and two Leonberger dogs.