SkyOceanBirds ii
SkyOceanBirds is in the tradition of surrealism which appreciates idiosyncrasy, juxtaposition and contradiction. Surrealism challenges the boundaries between the normal and the fantastical, promotes the unexpected combining of found objects, and embraces dreamscapes and imagery emerging from the subconscious. Linda Briskin is a fine art photographer who lives in Toronto and Palm Springs (CA). She has ever-shifting photographic enthusiasms, what she calls photoglossia: the juxtaposition of objects and reflections; the ambiguities in what we choose to see; and the permeability between the remembered and the imagined. Photocollage constructs unique and painterly images layered with nuance and narrative which both embrace and displace the original images. Her focus is often on inventing images rather than capturing them, an approach that is fictive rather than representational. In 2018, Briskin was selected for The New Feminist Gaze at Simeon Den Gallery in California. Her photograph Motorcycle Women was published in Best of Photography 2018 by Photographers Forum. Three photographs from her series aqua botanica are forthcoming in Tiny Seed Literary Journal (2019). Recently in Toronto, she had a solo show at Helen & Hildegard Apothecary as part of the Junction Contact Festival and a window installation at Rapp Optical. She has also participated in several group shows including Spectra at Gallery 1313 during the 2019 Contact Photography Festival. Upcoming is Luminous, a group show of ten women photographers at the Heliconian Club in Toronto.