Blessed are those who cannot see

Or don’t believe in their sight

Or perhaps in vision altogether

For they shall be granted visions of what might be

Rather than what is

Or seems to be

A glut of nothingness

Random in its nature

That circumvents or ignores

The possibilities occurring

All around us

That don’t yet fit

Into a theory


Upon the past



Josef Krebs

Josef Krebs has a chapbook published by Etched Press and his poetry also appears in the Bicycle Review, Burningword Literary Journal, Calliope, The Cape Rock, The Chaffey Review, Inscape, Mouse Tales Press, Organs of Vision and Speech, Tacenda, The Bohemian, Agenda, The Corner Club Press, Crack the Spine, The FictionWeek Literary Review, the Aurorean, Carcinogenic Poetry, The Bangalore Review, 521magazine, Former People, Grey Sparrow Journal, IthacaLit, New Plains Review, Inwood Indiana Press, Free State Review, Poetry Nation, Witness, and The Cats Meow. A short story has been published in blazeVOX. He’s written three novels and five screenplays. His film was successfully screened at Santa Cruz and Short Film Corner of Cannes film festivals.