In Darwin,


the biggest ball


of twine

is unencumbered

by human



No discontented lovers

struggling with rope



anxious to be free.

No lasso-


twirling cowpokes

waiting in ambush

for that special



No timber-hitched

twosomes and threesomes


double knotted

like old sneakers.

No families


held together

by spit

and slip



Just a ball of

purposeless string


bigger now

than the town



Steve Deutsch


Steve Deutsch lives in State College, PA. His recent publications have or will appear in Evening Street, Better Than Starbucks, Flashes of Brilliance, SanAntonio Review, Softblow, Mojave River Review, The Broadkill Review, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Panoply, Algebra of Owls, The Blue Nib, Thimble Magazine, The Muddy River Poetry Review, Ghost City Review, Borfski Press, Streetlight Press, Gravel, Literary Heist, Nixes Mate Review, Third Wednesday, Misfit Magazine, Word Fountain, Eclectica Magazine, The Drabble, New Verse News and The Ekphrastic Review. He was nominated for Pushcart Prizes in 2017 and 2018. His Chapbook, “Perhaps You Can,” was published in 2019 by Kelsay Press.