It’s impossible

not to want,

though I started to work on it

six years ago,


the course greased

by a new diagnosis

and prognosis

pronouncing futile

almost any wanting,


but now after all

these years squeaking

by in the 10% sliver

of possible survivors,

now it is harder

not to want,


and today’s call,

how the doctor hesitated

as she inquired

how I’ve been feeling

since the biopsy,


it was then I knew

she had news

that wouldn’t be

nice to hear,

so I’m definitely

wanting now.


Dianne Silvestri

Dianne Silvestri is author of the chapbook Necessary Sentiments. Her poems have appeared in The Healing Muse, Barrow Street Journal, Naugatuck River Review, Poetry South, New Limestone Review, The Main Street Rag, Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA Oncology, and elsewhere. A past Pushcart nominee, she leads Natick’s Morse Poetry Group in Massachusetts.