Logistics, 2020


How many bodies can

be held in refrigerated

trailers, giving families

time to claim them?


The number of those,

anonymous, buried

at the public cemetery

in New York, increased

five-fold in April.


Outside a Brooklyn

funeral home, dozens

of decomposing bodies

were found in one


and one rented U-Haul.


Eighteen thousand dead

in eighteen thousand

body bags are moved

by forklift to one

hundred and fifty

refrigerated trailers,

fifteen rented vans.


Dedicated Carnivore At the TSA



watched you

watch her

grab the tape

you had firmly affixed

round the lid of the cooler.



she went.

You watched

her as she

dove into its white hold

and brought up the brown pork butt.



made sure

she knew

what it was,

carefully rotating

each piece before replacing




ing that

ham then the

Fanestil baloney

and its smoked bacon, vacuum-



You were

the new


watching such a precious

cargo being lifted out.


E. Laura Golberg

Laura Golberg’s poem Erasure has been nominated for a Pushcart 2021 Prize. Her poetry has appeared in Rattle, Poet Lore, Laurel Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, Spillway, RHINO, and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, among other places. She won first place in the Washington, DC Commission on the Arts Larry Neal Poetry Competition.