Back Against the Wall

John Morabito

Born in 1987 John Morabito has been making photographs for the last 20 years. John studied at UMass Lowell as a student of Arno Rafael Minkkinen where he received a BFA with a concentration in fine art photography. His work draws influence from street photographers like Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, and contemporary photographers such as William Eggleston, Larry Clark, Stephen Shore. John’s interest in photography began in high school where he often could be found during free periods and even some missed classes in the darkroom. John’s work is largely documentary in nature and centers around themes of love, loss, and loneliness. His subjects often include his family, partners, and friends but sometimes include passers-by. Primarily shooting 35mm B & W film, John also uses digital and color film. Photographic series include Damaged Goods, Laundrolove, and The Bathers Project.