Would love to bake chocolate chip cookies again with you.  Do not

care if we ate all the dough and had no cookies to eat.  Miss you.

Come as you are.  Do not care if there’s bones, skin, or nothing.  As long

as it’s you.  I will know you by your laugh or simply your touch.  Miss

you.  We never did get to run that half marathon together.

Was run in your honor.  A full too.  When you come please bring that

cheesy pepperoni bread.  Soooo delicious.  Have not been

able to duplicate it.  The cheese melts into the dough and it’s terrible

re-heated.  Think it’s the wrong kind of dough.  You would know.

Miss you.  Heartbreaking life experiences shatter.  I’m sorry.

I am sorry I failed you.  Would love to hug you.  Hard.  Kiss your check.

Your forehead.  Hug you again.  To many unsaid goodbyes.  I know

you said goodbye before you left forever.  Knew it.  Felt it.

Here.  Inside.  Look for you in my dreams … into that wide darkness … can’t

find you.  Will forever Miss You.  Riding brought you so much joy … exuberance.

You wanted to go faster and faster … as fast as the horse’s hooves would

run … which now pound my heart … my head.  It’s almost spring.

Daffodils sprouting and covered in snow.  You loved their yellow happiness.

I remember you telling me how pissed you were with your mom for making

you pick the ones in the field.  Planting time.  Dogs running through the

garden … playfully trampling all your plants.  We are all dog hoarders now.  Miss you.

The sea is calling.  We can walk on the beach.  Looking for sand dollars, shells,

and starfish.  Let me know where to meet.  We’ll both show up.  Bring that

blue jean hat we all loved.  The one where your white blond uncontrollable curls

tumble out.  We have so much to catch up on.  I want to hear all about

Heaven … how you’re doing.  I’ll bring the cheesy pepperoni bread and flowers.

Daffodils or Sunflowers?  The new dog will be on a leash.  You’ll love him.

He’s a foodie too.  Any time.  Any place.  Or just the dining room table.

That’s fine too.  Just come.

MD Bier

MD Bier is a binge reader and you’ll always find a book with her. Her writing reflects her passion for social change and social issues. Being part of the Project Write Now Community is where she writes and studies poetry. She has been published in the Write Launch, Humans of the World, New Brunswick Poetry Anthology, and the New Brunswick Windows on the World. MD Bier lives in NJ with her family and dog.