Elle s’est tue (She became silent)

penché vers la lumière

Vous semblez hésiter (You seem to hesitate)

Woman and Desert


JC Alfier

Some of the pieces depict partial, oblique, or frontal female nudity to illustrate Carl Jung’s concept of the Anima: the female part of the male psyche — sensual, often oblique female archetypes where allegories give shape to dreamscapes of the unconscious, even as the faint image of the female reflects an abstracted, fluid persona — the objective and the subjective. My intents touch upon transgender femininity. Overall, my artistic directions and aesthetics are informed by photo-artists Yoko Mizuki, Heinz Hajek-Halke, and especially Katrien De Blauwer.

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Listed with Poets & Writers
CLMP Member
List with Art Deadline
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