Indoctrinating myself

I shuffle towards the polls

And pull the lever

Expecting a trapdoor to open up

And plunge me into the awaiting waters below

The Styx or just a secret underground channel

Leading perhaps to the East River

They’re both abysmal passages

Whichever way you cut it

But some abysses lead to an absence you can’t come back from

So I guess decisions matter



Josef Krebs has a chapbook published by Etched Press and his poetry also appears in 77 issues of 35 different magazines, including Burningword Literary Journal, Tacenda, The Bohemian, Organs of Vision and Speech Magazine, Free State Review, and DASH Literary Journal. A short story has been published in blazeVOX. He’s written three novels and five screenplays. His film was successfully screened at Santa Cruz and Short Film Corner of Cannes film festivals.


Josef Krebs