Alice Chu lives in Chongqing

and she attends classes online

loves hotpots and her friends

never submits work on time

can’t follow essay instructions

but she speaks perfect English

and writes crystalline sentences

a potential poet or a novelist

but her father has other plans


One day Alice logs into class

splotchy bruises on her arms

a heavy cast around her ankle

every part of her looks broken

but Alice Chu is still smiling

her dad shoved down the stairs

for a C plus grade on her essay


Who do you call when the

abused live on other continents?

and what’s there to be done

about never-returned messages?

and how do you tell parents

your child’s not doctor material?

and how do you lift someone

when you can only reach so far?


Alice—this dreamy teenager

not quite ready for university

a poetic giant, ready to awaken

with more guidance and patience

her father demands perfection

but Alice Chu’s already perfect



Brendan Praniewicz

Brendan Praniewicz earned his MFA in creative writing from San Diego State in 2007 and has subsequently taught creative writing at San Diego colleges. He has had poetry published in From Whispers to Roars, Tiny Seed Journal, That Literary Review, and The Dallas Review. In addition, he received second place in a first-chapters competition in the Seven Hills Review Chapter Competition in 2019. He won first place in The Rilla Askew Short Fiction Contest in 2020. He was a Pushcart Nominee for poetry in 2023.

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