Mesmerizing horizontal snow

on Halloween, a weather record

for Chicago accumulation–


Chicagoans are unpredictable, too,

when they observe Halloween,

putting on masks

when they sit in bars

dressed in orange and black,

sip Betteljuice Cocktails,

tout toy lasar guns like children

dressed as action heroes,

Hasbro Avenger Marvel Titans

with lightning bolts

across their chests,

strut in the costume competition

that doesn’t win the prize

in the school parade.


By Jan Ball

Jan has published 396 poems in U.S. and international journals like Nimrod and Slipstream, U.S. and Orbis, England, and Cordite, Australia. Finishing Line Press published her four chapbooks and first full-length poetry collection. She has been nominated twice for the Pushcart as well as twice for Best of the Net.

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