Some Other Living Arrangements


Amy’s voice is on the line before Ellen even hears a full ring.

“Thank God you called.  I’m at my wit’s end today, Ellen – he is On. My. Last. Nerve.”

Ellen sighs into her receiver; in her ear the air reverberates with a harsh blast. “What time did he wake you up?” She pinches the bridge of her nose between her eyes, pulls her hand slowly across her temple.

“Six-freaking-AM!  He wanted waffles.  Wouldn’t stop yelling until I made some waffles and then he knocked over the bowl of batter and it went everywhere. He spread it around the table with his hands; it was a fabulous freaking mess.”

“Did you try playing that puzzle that I sent you a few weeks ago?  Sometimes if you can get him to do something constructive with his hands—”

“I tried the puzzle!  He kept getting up from the table and getting into the cupboards instead.  He’s going through everything, pulling out papers and silverware and…” Amy’s voice is thick and wobbling as it trails off, fat clouds of tears gathering, ready to open and pour.  “Jason can’t stand it. He can’t sleep either and then he yells at me and…I don’t know if our marriage can handle this.”

“I’m sorry.  I know it’s hard.”  Ellen bites the inside of her cheek, a raw, smooth, sweet-tasting spot that she’s been making worse all month, an aching worry stone for these daily phone conversations with her sister. “Maybe it’s time to consider some other living arrangements for him.”  There.  It’s out.

Amy is silent in her ear, only breathing. Then a sniffle, a shaky breath.   Ellen listens hard, her body clenched, waves of energy pulsing toward the phone in her hand. Finally: “Maybe.”

“Poor dad.”

“Yeah.  Poor dad.”

Suzanne Lane

Transcendental Love

Apparently, our love

has been reading Emerson

and believes it is self-reliant.


We, who have been part and particle

of each other, daily, nightly,

minutely merging (your hair covering

my skin, my tongue speaking your thoughts,

your oversoul in my underwear,

my hammer on your anvil and your foot

in my stirrup), now sit rooms apart

and prefer not to


Will you assume

what I assume

as I celebrate myself and sing myself?

Do your atoms, belonging equally to me

as mine to you, resonate with the same frequency?


Or does your heart vibrate to that iron string—

trusting yourself, exploring the sacredness

of your own mind, your own body?


If we must each triumph in our own

principles, can we not yet hope

that Whim will lead us each

through each

other, that the

currents of the Universal

being will circulate your Not Me

through the not me

of my own body,

once more?


The Empty Set

I am still only conjecturing that

spending the night with you last night is what

did not happen, out of the set of all potential

events that did not happen between us all

night. But the graph seemed to me to lead to

your bed (which, as you recall, was just two

feet away, with the blankets thrown back).

Yet our evening was a demonstration of Zeno’s

Paradox—we could not cross the distance

to the bed because we forever had first

to cross half the distance.


When I think about that missed intersection,

I think about plotting the slopes of our lives, the route

we each took to meet in that room, and how

any previous meeting would have already

been too late for us to reach that bed;

how we would have needed to have exactly

our same experiences leading to this

precise moment together, but without

ever having passed through those other points

on the graph, that intersected with those other husbands

and wives and children. Those trajectories

are defined by the impossible—they are mapped

in imaginary space only, when we subtract

our families from our lives and take the square

root of our resulting negative selves.


Other people, I think, can compute this, but

it was a math too radical for me.


Suzanne Lane


Suzanne began as a fiction writer many years ago, but for short forms, she has been increasingly drawn to poetry. In addition to writing poetry, she is also writing a mixed-genre memoir, All over the Map, about my experiences growing up as a military dependent, and an academic book about the rhetoric of antebellum slave narratives. Suzanne has taught literature, creative writing, and composition at Harvard, Cal State, San Bernardino, and BU. She currently teaches rhetoric and writing at MIT.

What The Dog Saw

Her vitriol is shocking

like the unfounded kick

to fat puppy

though He reacts in

teeth gnash

rabid snarl

the mean passion

of that same

fat puppy reared

on a diet of

no love and

meager bones.


Like me,


He has pissed

on the Persian rug,

shit on the carpet,

and chewed

something worth

raising Her voice.


But when She calls He

still comes running,


the calm dog who

needs a particular touch.


Tyrel Kessinger



Tyrel lives, eats and breathes Kentucky air and work in Louisville as a Braille transcriber. He is the recent recipient of the 2011 Literary Louisville LEO award and his work has been published in the LEO magazine.

Image of E.

battered, bruised

used, overlooked



poor yet rich in

faith unprotected

sex object in

the eyes of

bad and dark spirits,

bad and dark souls


innocent, saved, redeemed

in time

tired of working

for worth with (already)

a worthy name


short of being tall

obese yet healthy

enough to


survive, surmount, embrace

being troubled in

mind do


like to communicate

with only the truthful,

with only the wise;


a teacher, loyal friend

perplexing lover poised

in damaged purity…


Image of,

reflection of enmity

that keeps apart

two souls drawing near



two shades of color

warming the

beauty of your



a ray of sun-

lit sand

an island

who holds its miseries…


at a distance here

or far away

waiting, patiently


for sound to break

silence hitting

a sea called

lonely ears.

A heart

dying for hope

to have again

the true desire

of equal treasures


in a mirror of

equal measures

weighing you

into me


as an image

of we.


Leah James


Leah James is an emerging African-American writer of poetry who writes in combinations of English, French and Spanish. She is a Midwest native who writes with the flavor of Chicago, the syncopated smoothness of St. Louis and gravity of the deep south.


adrian ibarra

the Forgetting Look

This late in the year she’s coughing up a bed.

With a pair of scissors and a pen

she begins to lay the flowers out.


She opens her mouth and they fall

onto the pages of her book and she’s

started to hate them.


Volume after volume full and full of petal bits;

full of stem and seed.

But she can’t bring herself to lose them

nor can she help wish them away.


No matter how deep and black her longing is

or how vicious her words want to be

when she goes to speak them

they flock from her lips and flutter down.


‘Til they are saved-

crushed in the forever there of her book

(like a bible). Always to remind her

what weakness she is capable of.


shirt sleeves.

she goes on and buffs the bone-

how sinew is gold

and ribs pristine.

her temple-legs all adorned

she’s a flaming sword away

from making her point.


I’m more than happy down here-

pouring this stuff

down the hole.

my meat is murder and

the only thing hanging

in my halls is dust and noise.


she thinks these falling apart

skins are meant for honing and

keeping clean


I just want to sin some more

and pile on the dirt-

she won’t let me do the damage


adrian ibarra


Adrian was one of the last students to graduate from Cal State Los Angeles with a BA in Creative Writing; he took it as an omen. He wrote a poem a day, every day, in 2010. The finished project can be found at