The Gelded Son of Old Bob Bowers Out of Once Double

I’ve miles to go but I have no pony.

My hair is braided into a donkey whip.


Flies buzz around your sweet tongue, honey.

I see you lying in a squeaky dry ditch.


Do you taste iron between your teeth?

Feel your lousy hair lice crawling creep?


You’re home now waiting for a stall with heat.

(She bought you baggy pants dangling to your feet)


You’re 62, slow as forgotten gumption

You say: “I don’t run much but I’d like to have that option.”


I don’t care about your Red Heels of Freedom.

You’re a fat wood louse. With a license to run.


(If I care about your cares will you care for me?

Say you could care less about carrying me?)


You say happy’s being where you want to be.

Sorry baby this song’s about me.


With a little application you could appliqué me.

Happenstance evidence, happenstance happy.


You can watch my life flash before your eyes.

With a dubbed in soundtrack, repeating your lies.


I could embroider tomorrow on my hands in red ink.

Carve “RIP Mr. Icky” over the bloody sink.


And with eighteen spider webs to bandage my hands

I’d stop up your mouth and silence your laugh.


It’s a heavy little bubble your hollow mind.

It’s a steady little rumble that holds my time.


Slumgullion curmudgeon your little stove sings.

The tractor’s in the shed. The chainsaw has wings.


by Kelley Jean White


Kelley’s writing has been widely published since 2000 in journals including Exquisite Corpse, Friends Journal, Nimrod, Poet Lore, Rattle, the Journal of the American Medical Association and in a number of chapbooks and full-length collections, most recently Toxic Environment from Boston Poet Press, Two Birds in Flame, poems related to the Shaker Community at Canterbury, NH, from Beech River Books, and “In Memory of the Body Donors,” Covert Press. She have received several honors, including a 2008 grant for poetry from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

object / multiple singularities / be here now

Shadow is substance. There is cold in shadow. The mean radiant temperature (MRT) in the cold of Vermont is assuaged by the cloudless sky. The dark side of the moon. Bluing shadows of noon, speak dawn song briefly, trampled down meadows… In the sky, two contrails, forming moisture in the air, blinding refracted rays, take the same direct path Westerly from the Azimuth downward into tendril branches. Quickly, they disperse, drifting, ice crystals, fading, two stringy vapor trails per plane. The sun is the same sun in the Yucatan 365 days ago, closing the eyes, conjuring a state of mind, serene, sand sticking to the soles of feet, green (manifold), blue (limned) and reflections on wavering aquamarine (temporal). Elemental: attraction, compulsion, the freedom of unscripted plans, what is there, unknowable at the time, is not there now. (Her life, her death). Color is light. Lie in the shade of a palm tree.

Lids, red, veinous, and in shadow. Without shadow light will burn. Without the unknown (dark), the knowable would not be symbolic (mother and child), symbiotic, enigmatic. (“Apollo has come and gone. But the fact that a dozen men have walked upon its surface does not make the moon one bit less puzzling to the scientists.”i) Earth’s knowable surface is a site of proud and wasteful surcease and macrobian fruitfulness. Earth: a blue ball sling-shot through an irrelevant arc, opposing, di-polarized from a dust bunny satellite, sustained in electromagnetic wave energy, a codified mystery naively trained and honed in on, until the end forever: gas, fire and collapse, without shadow.

 i Minh-ha, Trinh T. “Yellow Sprouts”



by Robert M. Detman


Robert M. Detman has published fiction in The Antioch Review, Santa Monica Review, Evergreen Review, Wisconsin Review, elimae, Word Riot and elsewhere.


The truth? I couldn’t wait to split. Picture

a birdcage strung up on baroque unwritten codes

— like living in a police state, I told the serpent


when we ducked out for a cigarette

one night near the end, just before it all

blew to smithereens, just before my lewdness


cracked the perfect and perfectly boring landscape

(a top-ten “Places to See Before You Die”)

mapped in majolica on the tiled floor of Anacapri:


a paradise of rivers and islands, flowers and fish,

and all His weird experiments (zebras, giraffes).

I was incidental there, a thorn in someone’s side.


In the far corner — you have to lean in close

 — the exiled Crown of Creation and I, his rib-bone,

trying to cover ourselves with ferns and fronds.


Observe how my long hair hides my smile.

Wouldn’t smoking be divine after sex?

the serpent asked me once. What’s that? I said. 


by Jo Ann Baldinger


Jo Ann Baldinger lives in Portland, Oregon, where she writes poems, practices yoga, and tries to be patient. Her poems have appeared in Cirque, Verdad, Blue Mesa, Tsunami, and Onthebus.


Two strangers fuck you into existence.

Then they tell you they love you.

They tell you they love you and then some.

“Weedee doodee doodee deee.”

“Pee on the potty.”

“Learn your tables of arithmetic.”

“Clean up your room.”

“How much pain I suffered putting you into this world!”

“Don’t get that girl pregnant.”

“Do you think that car runs on thin air?”

“Don’t become like your father!”

“Don’t listen to your mother!”

“When will you get a decent job?”

“Are you working on my grandchildren yet?”

“Why don’t you show some respect?”

“Is that why I worked my ass off for you?”

“You have it so easy. When I was your age…”

Blah, blah, blah.

You watch them all this time.

They claim they know you.

You wonder who they are.

Then they die.

Then you do.


by Nolan Keating

I Bought Flashcards of the Constitution

‘cause you planned to study law. And I may

have written this already: Habeus

Corpus in some other journal or book.

Latin got me through med school—I’d just look

in Stedman’s Dictionary—ah, corpus,

corpse, a body, just like yours, only, say,

a little stiffer, with perhaps, a bit

of an associated odor.  But

I don’t smell so good.  You’re the one whose nose

knows the bell’s tolling. Mine couldn’t tell whose

a flower and whose a. . .All right,  what

did make you leave? Was it the kitty lit-

ter in the basement? The moldy sponges

in the sink? Oh, your constitution, left.


by Kelley Jean White


Kelley’s writing has been widely published since 2000 in journals including Exquisite Corpse, Friends Journal, Nimrod, Poet Lore, Rattle, the Journal of the American Medical Association and in a number of chapbooks and full-length collections, most recently Toxic Environment from Boston Poet Press, Two Birds in Flame, poems related to the Shaker Community at Canterbury, NH, from Beech River Books, and “In Memory of the Body Donors,” Covert Press. She have received several honors, including a 2008 grant for poetry from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

Face to Face

One of the beasts

Of my existence

Has been cowardice

A disease

I consider it as such

Though it can be cured

But the procedure

Can be too much

For the man inflicted

And the necessary

Moves to make

To rise atop

Higher than you have ever stood

And the changes

Needed being made

The mirror can appear

As a shallow grave

But burying yourself into it

May be the only way

And face the face

That has continually ran astray

From the moments

Where you were needed most

By the people who have given you

Silos of love

And vast fields of trust

So I am finished

With this curse I have set

Upon myself

This will all be undone

And I will stand taller

Then any mountain to ascend

I am the answer

To bringing this way of life

To a fatal end

Face to face

I stare into my eyes

And strive for forgiveness

To myself

And all the lies

The reasons I have justified

To get fast on my feet

And run and hide

The man I see

Knows just what he has done

And will do whatever is possible

To keep all of that

In my rearview

Having faith that the road ahead

Drives a man who stands

And never lets this coward

Act in the same way again


by Justin Peterson