Larena Nellies-Ortiz

Cold Feet

Larena Nellies-Ortiz

Larena Nellies-Ortiz is a photographer, educator and poet living in Los Angeles. Her photos have been featured in Barren Magazine and her poetry in the Eunoia Review. With an academic background in Migration Studies, Larena is passionate about visual storytelling at the intersection of belonging, displacement, and cultural capital. You can find her on Instagram @lalifish and @lalifishwrites and her photography at

Yasmin Nadiyah Phillip

Tending the Garden

Yasmin Nadiyah Phillip

Yasmin Nadiyah Phillip is a writer, musician, and freelance artist currently based in Virginia. Her most recent work appeared in Barren magazine. Ever searching for stories to tell, she enjoys crafting images that weave together her introverted sensibilities and love for landscapes.

David A. Goodrum

Beach Legs

David A. Goodrum

David A. Goodrum lives in Corvallis, Oregon. His photography has been juried into many art festivals in cities such as St. Louis Missouri, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio, Ann Arbor Michigan, Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana, and Madison Wisconsin. His intent is to capture images that might instill in others – as they do for him as he makes them – a sense of calm and tranquility. He hopes to create a visual field that momentarily transports you away from hectic daily events and into a place that delights in an intimate view of the world. Additional work can be viewed at and

Emily Candler Davis

Acadia National Park: The Angel

Sometimes realistic, sometimes fantastic, the images of The Nature and Psyche Project try to broach the vast and broad topic of interbeing with nature, and our inherent resonance with the Earth’s imagination and our own. The images are of the Earth’s Elements, an ancient mystery school, playing in a modern context of anti-war, issues of climate, ending poverty, the lives of millennials, human rights, and Pachamama law efforts. Emily Candler Davis, A Goddard College graduate, fell in love with social justice and engagement in the arts from an early age. She lives off of the Coast of Maine, on an island like an upside-down heart.

Emily Candler Davis

Jennifer Sheridan

The Ice Came on So Quickly


Jennifer Sheridan

Jennifer Sheridan is a poet and bookseller living in New York City.  Her work has appeared in Spectrum, Rattle, Hole in the Head Review and On The Run.

Fabio Sassi

Hello I’m lost

Lost archive

Fabio Sassi

Fabio Sassi makes photos and acrylics using whatever is considered to have no worth by the mainstream. He often puts a quirky twist to his subjects or employs an unusual perspective that gives a new angle of view. Fabio lives in Bologna, Italy and his work can be viewed at