Tracey Dean Widelitz

The Lights of Temple Bar Dublin Ireland


Tracey Dean Widelitz

Tracey Dean Widelitz is an emerging writer, poet and photographer, and is the author of ‘A Heavenly World’, a forthcoming published children’s book. Her poetry has been published in Wingless Dreamer’s ‘Dreamstones of Summer’, ‘Dawn of the Day’, ‘Whispers of Pumpkin’ and ‘My Cityline’ Anthologies, and she was the Grand Winner of Wingless Dreamer’s ‘Dreamstones of Summer’ Poetry Contest. Her photographs appear in ‘Months to Years’ Winter 2022 edition and ‘Camas’ Winter 2021 edition literary magazines and Las Lagunas Art Gallery upcoming February show ‘Captured’ (Photography) 2022-Online Edition. Visit her website at

Swing with a View, Kauai

Swing with a View, Kauai


Jim Ross

Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With a graduate degree from Howard University, in six years he’s published nonfiction, poetry, and photography in over 175 journals and anthologies on five continents. Publications include 580 Split, Bombay Gin, Burningword, Camas, Columbia Journal, Hippocampus, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Lunch Ticket, MAKE, Manchester Review, Stonecoast, The Atlantic, and Typehouse. Jim’s recently-published photo essays include Barren, DASH, Kestrel, Litro, New World Writing, So It Goes, and Wordpeace, with Typehouse forthcoming. Jim has also published graphic nonfiction pieces based on old postcards, such as Barren, Ilanot Review, and Litro, with Palaver forthcoming. A nonfiction piece led to involvement in a high-profile documentary limited series broadcast internationally. Jim and his wife—parents of two health professionals and grandparents of five little ones—split their time between city and mountains.

Jordan Robson

Ice Plant


Jordan Robson

Jordan Robson is a writer and photographer from Seattle, Washington. Her work has previously been published in Papeachu Review. She currently lives in Southern California.

John Morabito

Back Against the Wall

John Morabito

Born in 1987 John Morabito has been making photographs for the last 20 years. John studied at UMass Lowell as a student of Arno Rafael Minkkinen where he received a BFA with a concentration in fine art photography. His work draws influence from street photographers like Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, and contemporary photographers such as William Eggleston, Larry Clark, Stephen Shore. John’s interest in photography began in high school where he often could be found during free periods and even some missed classes in the darkroom. John’s work is largely documentary in nature and centers around themes of love, loss, and loneliness. His subjects often include his family, partners, and friends but sometimes include passers-by. Primarily shooting 35mm B & W film, John also uses digital and color film. Photographic series include Damaged Goods, Laundrolove, and The Bathers Project.

K.L. Johnston

Canal Locks

K.L. Johnston

K.L. Johnston is a poet and photographer who first realized her interest in photography in 2014. Since then, her images have appeared in literary journals, travel magazines, and online galleries. She sees photography as a natural extension of poetry, distilling moments of awareness into single images. Her favorite subjects are whimsical and /or environmental and her camera goes with her wherever she goes. Other interests include horticulture, travel, philosophy, and historiography.

Jaime Greenberg

So Many Things

Vanishing Point

Jaime Greenberg

Jaime Greenberg is a writer and photographer who writes with words and light. She lives in South Florida with her husband, two teenagers, two cats and a dog. Her work has appeared in Prime Number Magazine. She posts on Instagram @alittlelightwriting.