Jeremiah Gilbert

Luminaria I


Jeremiah Gilbert

Jeremiah Gilbert is an award-winning photographer and travel writer based out of Southern California. He likes to travel light and shoot handheld. His travels have taken him to nearly a hundred countries and territories around the globe. His photography has been published internationally, in both digital and print publications, and has been exhibited worldwide, including in Leica’s LFI Gallery. His hope is to inspire those who see his work to look more carefully at the world around them in order to discover beauty in unusual and unexpected places. He is the author of the collection Can’t Get Here from There: Fifty Tales of Travel and the forthcoming From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels After a Late Start. He can be found on Instagram @jg_travels

Denise Zubizarreta, Featured Artist



At My Core


Denise Zubizarreta

Denise “The Vamp DeVille” Zubizarreta is a Puerto Rican and Cuban American Mixed Media Interdisciplinary Artist raised between Union City, NJ, and Hialeah, FL, currently living and working in Denver, CO. She is the former President of the Student Government Association at the Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design where she is completing her BFA in Fine art. ​ Zubizarreta recently presented The Modern Borikén (an award-winning paper on the Puerto Rican Statehood movement and colonizations impact on the cultural identity of the Puerto Rican people) at the HERA (Humanities Education + Research Association) Conference hosted by University of Texas – El Paso and at the RMCAD Research Symposium where it won the Quality of Paper Research award. Her artwork focuses on her connection to self through exploring childhood angst, chronic illness, PTSD, and cultural identity. It has been exhibited in gallery and in performance with Microtheater Miami, the Fort Lauderdale Fringe Festival, Emmanuel Art Gallery, Las Laguna Gallery, RedLine, CORE New Art Space, EDGE Gallery, Cicada Magazine, and the Providence Art Club. Her sculpture and assemblage piece “Exposed” is presently included in D’Art Gallery’s – Spot On 2: Juried by Dr. Gwen Chanzit.

Dave Sims

Smoking Prison Ghost

Dave Sims

A recovering professor, Dave Sims now makes art and music in the old mountains of Pennsylvania. His tangible and digital art appears on the walls, covers and pages of over 60 galleries and publications, including The Raw Art Review, Sunspot Literature, Shanti Arts, High Shelf Press and Toho Journal. See more at

Tanya L. Young


Tanya L. Young

Tanya L. Young is a Washington based artist and writer. Her work has been featured in New York Quarterly, Jeopardy Magazine and Stonecoast Review.

Jim Ross

Black Sand Beach

Jim Ross

Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With a graduate degree from Howard University, in six years he’s published nonfiction, poetry, and photography in over 150 journals and anthologies on four continents. Publications include 580 Split, Bombay Gin, Burningword, Columbia Journal, Hippocampus, Ilanot Review, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Lunch Ticket, The Atlantic, The Manchester Review, and Typehouse. Recent photo essays include Barren, Kestrel, Litro, New World Writing, So It Goes, and Wordpeace. A nonfiction piece led to a role in the documentary limited series, “I, Sniper.” Jim and his wife—parents of two health professionals and grandparents of five preschoolers—split their time between city and mountains.

Joe Lugara

v470 (Faux Spirits Series)

Joe Lugara

Joe Lugara took up photography and painting as a boy after his father discarded them as hobbies. His works depict odd forms and objects, inexplicable phenomena, and fantastic dreamscapes, taking as their basis horror and science fiction films produced from the 1930s through the late 1960s. He began creating digital photographs and digital paintings in the 2010s; they debuted in a 2018 solo exhibition at the Noyes Museum of Art in his home state of New Jersey. Mr. Lugara’s work has been featured in several publications and has appeared in more than 40 exhibitions in museums and galleries in the New York Metropolitan Area, including the New Jersey State Museum and 80 Washington Square East Galleries at New York University.