Kayla Branstetter

But I Ain't a Racist

But I Ain’t a Racist


Kayla Branstetter

Kayla Branstetter is an educator, mother, writer, artist, and photographer from Missouri. She holds an MALS degree in Art, Literature, and Culture from the University of Denver. Her creative nonfiction, art, and photography have appeared in the following journals: the Crowder Quill, Light & Space “All Women” exhibit, The Human Family–Human Rights Festival, The Paragon Press-Echo: Journal of Creative Nonfiction, 805+, High Shelf Press, The Esthetic Apostle, the gyara journal, Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, a former contributing writer to a regional magazine Ozark Hills and Hollows.

Stephen Curtis Wilson

Julian Hotel

Julian Hotel


Stephen Curtis Wilson

Wilson is a regionalist photographer documenting architectural structures and scenes throughout Illinois where he resides. His photographs have recently appeared in exhibitions at the Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon; Midwest Center for Photography, Wichita, Kansas; and PhotoSpiva 2020 National Photography Competition, Joplin, Missouri. Wilson was a medical/surgical and generalist photographer and writer in the health care field for 33 years. “I photograph the everyday, the familiar in unfamiliar places. ‘The mundane is given its beautiful due in that it is photographed at all,’ suggests photographer Anna Shustikova. Structures left behind, dated, discarded, or those I find a bit curious. Rural communities, along back-roads, and within once-thriving urban neighborhoods; these are my vistas. I am hopeful that my photographs are reminders of humanness, culture, and community.”

Meg Freer



Sinking In

Sinking In


Meg Freer

Meg Freer grew up in Missoula, Montana, where her father passed on to her his love of photography. She now lives in Kingston, Ontario where she teaches piano, writes poetry and enjoys the outdoors. Her photos and poems have been published in literary journals and have won awards both in North America and overseas.

Kiyoon Nam

Fish Currents

Fish Currents


Kiyoon Nam

Kiyoon Nam is a sixteen-year-old student who grew up in Seoul, Korea. He is attending St Paul Preparatory Seoul and developing his art and design careers in and outside of school.

Kip Knott




Kip Knott

Kip Knott’s work has recently appeared in The Ekphrastic Review, Light Space & Time, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, and Wild Roof Journal, among other places. His full-length book of poetry—Tragedy, Ecstasy, Doom, and so on—is forthcoming later this year from Kelsay Books. Currently, he is a teacher and an art dealer who lives in Delaware, Ohio. More of his work can be accessed at www.kipknott.com.

Louis Dennis

African Iris

African Iris


Louis Dennis

Louis Dennis lives in Huntington Beach, California. He originally learned photography in a chemical darkroom and feels blessed by the advent of digital imaging.