A.C. Koch

Nighthawks on the Bus

Nighthawks on the Bus


by A.C. Koch

A.C. Koch works almost entirely in black and white, because colorblindness predisposes him to see the world in contrasts. Architecture and streetscapes offer an interplay of shapes and textures that can create a great sense of depth and drama in an ordinary scene. His photography was recently featured in a Westword article during a show of black-and-white prints at St. Mark’s Coffeehouse in Denver, CO. More of Koch’s photography can be found on Instagram @henry_iblis, and his photo blog: invisiblepony.blogspot.com.

Jamie Derkenne

Looking north from Lord Howe Island

Looking north from Lord Howe Island


by Jamie Derkenne

Jamie Derkenne is interested in photographing landscapes of solastalgia. The seas around Lord Howe Island off Australia’s East Coast are full of coral reefs, the most southerly part of the coral reefs that further north make the Great Barrier Reef. Lord Howe Island’s reefs are about the only ones off Australia not in imminent risk of dying because of global warming.

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