Glory Bound: Children’s Home Thanks Donor for Station Wagon

Photo printed with Funding Appeal, 1965


That behemoth Bel-Air,

its tail stopped by a tree,

lurches outside the photo frame

hiding its eyes, but most of all

stilling its mouth –

metal teeth in a tight grill

tensed to spill the truth.

It knows too much of the four

posed along its flank,

its silver trim and steel doors

a backdrop of comic relief

for the rescued souls

about to disappear into the bowels

of the rear-facing third seat

for a ride to Sunday School.

Innocence lost

in the House of Orphans

festers in greasy rivers

of soiled minds.

Just ask the coiffed one

staring intently

into the Brownie,

a little Red Riding Hood,

her headband taming tresses

loved by the wild boar of the night,

or the boy in black and white,

his skinned head and summer smile

claiming joy—

joy down deep in his heart,

one less waif on the streets

thanks to the largesse of donors.

That taller boy, arm behind his back

looks fit for service, if only

his new clothes weren’t hiding

cigarette burns —

scars that turned his heart to ash

and tossed it in a twilight zone.

The youngest,

a girl with a bob and a bag

looks like a proper wife in training

standing on the promises of a full belly

bound for glory in that Bel-Air –

such wishful thinking, these crafted fruits.

The children look pretty as their picture.

If only we could hear that car

spewing the old siren songs:

the Lord loves a cheerful giver,

and suffer the little children,

and public prayer has its reward.


by Janet Reed


Janet Reed teaches writing, literature, and theater for Crowder College, a small community college in the midwest.  She lives large among her books, pets, and friends.  Writing since childhood, she started submitting work for others to read this fall and is pleased that several pieces have been published.

Postcards from the Knife Thrower

June 27 Deadwood, SD


God has more surprises. The sun is not hot. Stars are

not light. Grass appears to bend, is rigid. I send away

grief. I want change. Want it good; the back forth of

seesawing guilt, the black-white of yearning. The earth

is mud-scarred red and green. This is what desire feels

like, it’s our slow-wicked last chance. From here we can

touch the end of the world, jagged and dull; God is not

finished with us



June 30 Pierre, SD


This is where the blue begins, where the sun clang clangs

against the sky. This is where the storm begins, raw heat

of lightning, the thick brogue of thunder. This is the flat-

black of motion, the blinking of eyes. We are a wayward

thread in a worn sweater, an almost closed door. When it’s

over we’ll be flax-winged and overflowing, we’ll be pock

-marked with stars before we crash to earth.



by Alex Stolis


A Way

put to light

what you like

you need let

out of the deep

gnawing in you

go all the way

down then a little

more each time down

and you will eventually

take Holden and Phoebe

Caulfield by the hand

bringing them up

out of the basement

into the great room

where the three of you

play naked bingo

with the truth

laughing like loons

it is rock solid joy

that feeling of being

everywhere connected

to everything always

in your soul able to

come back to this place

when you lose your way

don’t believe it doesn’t

exist this wending to

the moment again and

again maybe glimpses

are all we get and

they will have to be

enough that and a good

memory for all those

times in between when

the descent of time

is made real by our

faltering dance with



by King Grossman


King Grossman is a poet and novelist, currently working on his fourth novel in a lovely studio at Carmel-by-the-Sea, and has participated in the Texas Writers’ Guild (2005), Aspen Summer Words (2009, 2010, 2015), Christian Writers’ Guild (2007), Algonkian Writer Conference (2010) and CUNY Hunter College Writers’ Conference (2011). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Crack the Spine, Forge, Qwerty, and Tiger’s Eye. He is a social justice activist regularly participating in nonviolent public actions to address climate change, economic injustice, inhumane immigration policy, etc., and also serves with Christian Peacemaker Teams in the West Bank Palestinian territory. He has been called a poetic-Christian-anarchist-golfer. You will most likely find him writing at his studio in Carmel or at his other hideout in the eclectic, far West Texas town of Marfa.


Of Desire/Hope

Written in response to the Mali Hostage Crisis


Imagine a hotel room

a splitting open inside

a dark heat


a hymn


like sparrows
in this cavern

A dua*

being whispered

for peace.


*Dua is the muslim word for personal prayer/supplication.

by Caitlin Springer


Caitlin Springer currently resides in a small coastal town in central New Jersey, where she is serving in the United States Coast Guard. Her latest published work can be found in the Fall 2015 edition of Origins Journal.

Dear Cinderella (or To Whom It May Concern)



Little girls starving themselves brittle

and family secrets glossed in simper

abide by midnight curfews,

closing their barbed cage doors behind them.

Not women in crimson juice on taffeta,

eyes in conflagration.

Not you.




When broken birds cannot be distinguished from timber

we’re forced to burn it all.

Reducing the innocent to the ash

you dust on cheeks of snow.

A charcoal mask begging for sympathy.




Prosaic princes are so easily hoodwinked:

Plastic action figures empty

as dropped goblets just after the crash.

Disentangled from clamshell packages with box cutters,

all twist ties and tape and embalming fluid.

Ferried to yearly balls on golden gurneys

to dens of cougars and sparkle.




Shake out your librarian bun

as the dance floor rises to meet you,

for lucite shoes are nothing new

to the feet of a princess.


by Amy Friedman


Amy Strauss Friedman teaches English at Harper College and earned her MA in Comparative Literature from Northwestern University. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Lunch Ticket, Typehouse, *82 Review, Menacing Hedge, Rogue Agent, After the Pause, Fractal, Extract(s) and elsewhere. Amy lives in Chicago, where she is a regular contributor to the newspaper Newcity.


The fencer lunges forward
the opponent parries but fails
and both collide corps-a-corps
while the blades flash and clash
and leave their signatures
in oozing blood that coagulates soon.

Steamy tears in droplets
combine into streams of
hot molten lava
and flow on the obdurate terrains
digging deep furrows
that soon get lined with scabs of moss.

The keel of steel slices through
the chest of the ocean
the propellers turn and churn
slip streams spiral
leaving a gash behind in the wake
ultimately fading into a mirror that it was.

Patches of infectious  clouds
steal the blue from the skies
and jets streak past
leaving their tell tale trails
eventually to crumble and dissipate
wiping the slate once again clean.

by Dilip Mohapatra

Dilip Mohapatra (b.1950), a decorated Navy Veteran started writing poems since the seventies . His poems have appeared in many literary journals of repute worldwide. Some of his poems are included in the World Poetry Yearbook, 2013 and 2014 Editions. He has three poetry collections to his credit, the latest titled ‘Another Look’ recently published by Authorspress India. His fourth book P2P nee Points to Ponder is a departure from his poetic passion and is a collection of his musings on various themes which are meant to act as points in a mariner’s compass helping the reader to navigate his life better in rough waters. He holds two masters degrees, in Physics and in Management Studies. He lives with his wife in Pune. His website may be accessed at