On Receiving a Life-Threatening Diagnosis

Has Death asked me to step out on the floor? For a tango,

long and difficult? Will I need attitude, strength

to learn new steps?


I don’t expect a polka. With luck a waltz, a whirl

of warm music in which I’ll get lost rising

and sinking in my partner’s arms.


If the evening is long, I’d like breaks. Catch breath

on a chair pushed back from foxtrotters. Fade

with wallflowers.


But it might be a marathon that ends with collapse,

then the rat-a-tat-tat of his tap dance

for which I have no shoes.


by Catherine Gonick

Catherine Gonick’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Boston Review, Caveat Lector, Crack the Spine, decomP, DIAGRAM, Front Porch Review,  Ginosko, Amarillo Bay, Word Riot, Soul-Lit, Sukoon, Forge, Jet Fuel Review, Notre Dame Review, and Jewish Women’s Literary Annual. Her poetry has also appeared in the Crack the Spine Winter 2015 Anthology. She was awarded the Ina Coolbrith Memorial Prize for Poetry.

Ashlie Allen

Blood Clot


Through pink tinted lamp light,

I tilt in the chair,

hair sliding off my shoulders

until my countenance is black

with Japanese heritage


Last night, I woke myself up laughing

Your eyes, ivory with silver shimmer, fell on me

I cradled them until they busted

like a blood clot being bitten


You said “I can see you always.”

“Quit staring.” I moaned in response

“I feel ugly all the time.”


If I let my weight bring me to my knees

and my cheek scrape against the carpet,

I think I will feel pitiful in a sensuous way



Muscle Dust


I tilt against the lace curtain,

pale with exhaustion, half singing,

half moaning


The scarecrow argues

that I am dying and need a friend

to take care of me


Of course, he is just hay and rotten garments

He does not understand I am a muscle that absorbs

negativity and dust and

that I do not care if there is an infection

inside of me, or if I am too quiet to realize

I am alive


by Ashlie Allen

Ashlie Allen writes fiction and poetry. Her favorite book is “The Vampire Lestat” by Anne Rice.

Here’s what I remember

A hooker with the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians tattooed on her side.

Four hundred thirty six Crown Royal bags.

How much I hate stuffed olives.

Not dating Jane Fonda.

Ted Bundy’s last meal.

Arguing from design using a cockroach.

God being ambidextrous.

The never ending generosity of drinkers trying to pick up women in a bar.

A billboard: “My gastric sleeve changed my life.”

George Sanders’ suicide note, beginning “Dear World” and ending “Good Luck!”

The girl I fucked in High School who became a mortician.

Hubie Houston USN (Ret.)–the first man to fire a rocket from a plane.

Contracting food poisoning from bad manna.

The serpent’s side of the story.

Using a fly swatter as a swizzle stick.

On the plus side:
never throwing gum in a urinal.

Visiting Hollywood Forever Cemetery: Peter Lorre in a sliding drawer.

A man at the Salvation Army swimming pool telling me this is the best day of his life.

Screwing my wife and having her say: “Just finish your business.”

Passing out in the Seat of Scoffers.

Memory being an identikit.

Remembering too much.

Not forgetting enough.


Getting off with a warning.


by G. Geis


D.G. Geis divides his time between Houston and the Hill Country of Central Texas. He has an undergraduate degree in English Literature from the University of Houston and a graduate degree in philosophy from California State University. His poetry has appeared in 491 Magazine, Lost Coast, Blue Bonnet Review and is forthcoming in the November/December issue of The Broadkill Review.


Ansel Oommen



I lived ambling through a dream


It was nice– the scenery was pleasant

And in my naïveté, I lay


Sniffing poppies

As the clouds scrambled for the east


They warned me to follow them


I laughed; they were mad


Did they not know they were part

Of a story I composed

A poem that I had penned?

If when the storm approached

I’d easily rearrange my horizon for a summer day

With a balmy tale I had known so well


When the squall had finally passed over

It abandoned me forlorn

In a bed of splintered bones

And tormented limbs

Hemorrhaged in my own stupidity


The Augury


Sitting by the window sill
All was quiet, all was still
Watched a black widow kill
and ply her craft in the ceiling corner

Weave in, weave out, a bobbing shuttle
proof of death’s defamed rebuttal
administered a stitching subtle
A handkerchief without a mourner

The hand upon the spinning wheel
Feeds the thread a measured deal
No more, no less, no inch to steal
from that that knows no foreigner

Finished full of lace and frill
the handkerchief, an airborne will
moth of cloth, the spider’s fill
what Death had had for dinner

This poem was originally published in April 2013 in the Indian Review.


by Ansel Oommen

Ansel Oommen is a freelance science/garden writer, artist, and former student of the Institute of Children’s Literature. His work has appeared in Blueprint, Visual Verse, Intima, and Redivider, among others. Discover more at: https://www.behance.net/Ansel

Grilled Miracles

My daughter looks at the sky
as if her real life might fall out of it.
Air pressure shifts
hope in her bones.
She sleeps long in the afternoon, confident
of her basic knowledge of gravity.


You have no faith, says my son, who claims to see
iguanas dance in Copán.
I saw too much to believe anything, I tell him.
I just watch a day
of no surprises.


You should see them fly, says my brother,
throwing grenades into the lake.
Fish spurt like fountains, a short day’s work.
His ambition overcast.
Explosions deep inside his hands.


You must stay strong, says my husband,
who marches his prosthetic leg
to the top of our hill each day.
I save my strength for death, I tell him.
My eyes closed, my breath too slow.


Today it rained fish,
cold flashes from the sky, caught in
silver agony. My son, my husband,
my daughter, my brother made a fire and
I savoured, in small bites,
the taste of grilled miracles.


by Catriona Cameron

Catriona Cameron is a Scottish writer who travels the world. She writes about the different countries where she has lived in ten years of travel. Her writing has been published in Guernica, Kweli, Magma and Tiferet, among others. Connect with her at www.luckydiplife.com.

Douglas Cole, Featured Author



Joe lived in a cabin

outside of Mount Vernon, Washington,

a place his uncle built for hunting.

I visited him there once or twice,

on my way somewhere else.

There was no water, no electricity,

just a woodstove and black windows,

and his things: a suit of armor

into which  he had pounded hundreds of nails,

a jar with a cat skull and cat bones

that he had labeled with a strip of tape

like the old-world naturalists—


He had a few books on chemistry,

medieval history, alchemy,

a biography of Alistair Crowley.

And he had a little wooden statue

of the weeping Buddha.


It was such a forlorn place to live,

dark, in the woods, off the road on a dirt drive—

he said, “I don’t fit with people.”

And it’s true, he never did.

Even as a kid he was wild,

eyes on fire with something—

up in his attic room one time,

he and his brother, Jerry, and I

were hanging out doing nothing

on a rainy Sunday, parents away

downstairs somewhere, and Joe ran out

and came back with his father’s shotgun,

loaded, and pointed it at Jerry’s head,

pulled back the hammer—

Jerry just sat there, smiling, a kid

maybe four years old, unknowing,

and then Joe pulled the trigger—

click, and nothing happened.

It was a miracle, really.

We were in slow motion, then,

blue gun barrel, warped windows,

then came back up to speed—

Jerry was crying, and the parents appeared,

my mother grabbed me by the arm

and swept me away.


I ran into Joe years later.

He’d just gotten out of the Navy.

He’d had a good run, he said:

a small ship, hosting dignitaries, parties,

and all the drugs he took, he said,

should have killed him, he should be dead.

But the angels came down and said,

enough…you’ve done enough,

and we can’t protect you from here—

“The rest,” he said, “I can’t tell you.

I don’t want to scare you.”

He drifted back to the northwest,

took some classes at the college,

and began living alone in his cabin there

under the big trees

with his armor and his cat and his Buddha.


The last time I saw him, he said,

“Hey, man, can you help me?

I sort of banged up my truck.

It’s just down the road, there

could you could give me a lift

so I can get my tool box

and tie a rope around it

so kids won’t mess around with it?”

I drove him down the road,

and we came to his truck at a curve,

and what I saw—

the front end was smashed in,

the steering wheel was punched back

through the driver’s seat,

the battery in the passenger seat,

broken glass, buckled doors—

I looked at him and said,

“How did you survive this?”

There wasn’t a scratch on him.

“I don’t know,” he said.  “Just lucky, I guess.”

We got his tool box,

tied a rope around the truck,

and I took him back to his cabin,

dropped him off, and drove away.

I avoided him after that

because I could see he was lucky, sure,

but guys with luck like that come out clean,

and leave wreckage as they go,

and it’s not their fault,

they’re just always in the eye of a storm,

so you have to beware—the force of nature.



The Hearers

they hear it constantly

a low rumbling

like a truck going by

and it drives them mad

no answer to what it is

industry     electromagnetic pulse

plates of the earth grinding away

and she hears it too

I hear it

can’t you hear it?

it won’t stop

it’s like a nightmare

and we can’t wake up

she says it’s making her crazy

can’t wake up

can’t wake up

I say

look at your hands



Thoughts of a Hanged Man


I’ll never be cold again

I’ll never feel hate again

I’ll never be hungry again

I’ll never feel fear again

I’ll never know pain again

I’ll never have nightmares again

I’ll never experience shame again

I’ll never regret again

I’ll never choose badly again

I’ll never wait in line again

I’ll never



The Grave


Raymond Carver has a beautiful grave

with a big granite stone with his words on it.

That’s pretty solid, man—

your words etched in stone.

And he’s got a granite bench you can sit on

and look at his grave and his words

or out over the graveyard at the sea.

Actually it’s the Straight of Juan de Fuca,

which I think of as his

because he wrote about it in his poetry.

I picked out where I’d like to be buried—

Lake View Cemetary

between Denise Levertov and Bruce Lee.

That’s how you’d find me—

someone would say, yeah, he’s right over there

between the poet and the philosopher.

And someone might ask, so what was he?

There probably won’t be a bench.

You’ll just have to stand there

or sit on the ground.  Come on, get real close.

Maybe there will be words on the stone.

I don’t know, and maybe when you look up

you’ll see something you’d say is mine

because I wrote about it and claimed it with words.

Maybe not.  It’s not really up to me to decide.


by Douglas Cole


Douglas Cole has had work in The Chicago Quarterly Review, Red Rock Review, and Midwest Quarterly. More work is available online in The Adirondack Review, Salt River Review, and Avatar Review, as well as recorded stories in Bound Off and The Baltimore Review. He has published two collections of poetry, “Western Dream,” through Finishing Line Press, “Interstate,” through Night Ballet Press, as well as a novella, “Ghost,” through Blue Cubicle Press. He received the Leslie Hunt Memorial Prize in Poetry; the Best of Poetry Award from Clapboard House; and First Prize in the “Picture Worth 500 Words” from Tattoo Highway. He was recently the featured poet in Poetry Quarterly. He is currently faculty at Seattle Central College.