The Carnal Flower

A carnal flower grows in my garden,

and each night, like clockwork,

when the sun slumbers, giving way to the Afterdark,

I pick it and settle it in my tweed pocket.

I keep it safe through the darkness,

where I disappear into the shadows,

becoming endlessly elegant.

Sitting in the hush of the violet hour.


by Tate Geborkoff


Tate Geborkoff is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and has worked as a national playwright and poet for over 12 years. His career started in Denver, Colorado and eventually led him to Chicago where he’s been for the past four years.

Blue-Collar Twister

Sweat tries to swim upwards through the hairs

of a labourer building the statue of the herald

but fails and falls in the soil sucked up by heat,

Vanishes as a struggling animal in quicksand;

Dreams drain and entity turns into fossils as slippers

walk over it.

His weapons are a chisel and spade;

He lifts them to protest but vacuum wailing in the curves

of his muscles make it fall again on the mummified ground;

just to dig, dig the ground for

the Herald’s statue must stand firm

or his existence will be buried under its

falling weight.

Toils will evaporate with the smile of the moon

The dawn will hear sounds again-

sounds of iron striking against rocks.

The air waits to weave those sounds

and strike a twister with them-

Tall enough for the world to see

bold enough to step over mountains

Clear enough to show the waving hands

begging a day out of slavery.


by Sonnet Mondal


Sonnet Mondal is an award winning bestselling Indian English poet and has authored eight books of poetry. His latest book is Diorama of Three Diaries (Authorspress, New Delhi). Sonnet is the pioneer of the 21 line Fusion Sonnet form of Poetry. At present he is the managing editor of The Enchanting Verses Literary Review, Editor of Best Poems Encyclopedia, Poetry Editor of The Abandoned Towers Magazine and the Sub Secretary General of Poetas Del Mundo.

Joan Colby

The Study Of Latin

In Latin Club, we created togas
From bedsheets and translated Cicero,
Tales of the Punic Wars, how Caesar
Conquered all Gaul in three words.

Sang Dies Irae, Dies Ila.
The priest raised the chalice
To the crucifix over the altar
Where Jesus hung in ceaseless agony.

We stood, knelt, genuflected.
We blessed ourselves.
We, the Latin scholars, repeated
The beatitudes. Gloria in Excelsis.
The organ aired its tones
Like holy laundry.

In time the priest was turned around
Like a doll on a pedestal to face the congregation
And speak in their common tongue.

I’ve forgotten almost
All that Latin
Thinking how I could have
Studied Spanish and would now be able
To read Neruda in the original.


The Child Who Ate Words


Congealed, coruscated, corresponding

To a frozen branch overhanging barb wire

Blistered with teardrops. Or a redtail hawk soaring

Over winter-blasted pastures

Or the old oak flooring

Creaking its hundred year lament.


Vessels of phrases cascading

Like  the lower falls of the Yellowstone

Or choked in retention ponds

To invite the drowning child

Or perpendicular as the hickories

Ragged as beggars. Or indiscreet

As a woman in a negligee

Watering the lilies.


Surrounded by taunters,

I licked my ice cream cone

A vocabulary of sweetness.

Acknowledged their cant,

You swallowed the dictionary


Vanilla, vermillion, vanquish,

Venomous, violent, vamoose.

Presentiment, palpable, precocious.



by Joan Colby


Seven books published including The Lonely Hearts Killers, The Atrocity Book, etc. Over 980 poems in publications including Poetry, Atlanta Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, The New York Quarterly, South Dakota Review, Epoch, etc. Two Illinois Arts Council Literary Awards (one in 2008) and an IAC Literary Fellowship. Honorable mention in the 2008 James Hearst Poetry Contest—North American Review and the 2009 Editor’s Choice Contest–Margie, and finalist in the 2007 GSU (now New South) Poetry Contest, 2009 Nimrod International Pablo Neruda Prize, 2010 James Hearst Poetry Contest and Ernest J. Poetry Prize Joan Colby lives on a small horse farm in Northern Illinois with her husband and assorted animals.

Pearl Ketover Prilik

Girls in Plum Sweaters

what can girls in plum sweaters

be expected to know of loss

as they pass the shovel among friends

unorated letters on pretty stationary drift

in the wind – as earth hard-hits the coffin

inside sweatered pruning friend on white satin

outside they, fresh as dropped stitches

from a single skein of yarn

creating a forever hole

in matching plum sweaters,

dirt under fingernails

cold wind in their fresh washed  hair



Here you are from womb whirling to mountaintop majesty

Wandering, wondering, wondrous, laughing, slip-sliding

Infant dimple fingered hold on that slice of eternity

In the years tumble, tempest-joy-uncertain-clear trek

Always in soft certitude of the light of stars – sparkling

With a clear true flame – born under, carried within and

yours to share – from first blink of fathomless eyes

reflecting the mountaintop from where you came, from

where you now stand, all pinpointed celestial eternity behind

ahead and shimmering within you, this day, as each day

forward flooded filled with all – from first drop of sweet milk

to sting of bitter herbs upon the tongue, whirling, floating

aquamarined waters to iced-arctic whitened snowflakes

whirling from infant milestones to the crack of a bat vibrating-

beasts gentle lumbering, emotion-swirl beginnings, incomprehensible

endings rolled in burgeoning intellect -until your own

first shimmering thoughts coalesced writ- read

reflecting something beyond, yet within, familiared comfort-clear,

life-love flowing up each step of whirling, womb-walk,

footfall steadied with each tumbled year, to stand here today

on the mountaintop eyes filled fathomless deep as at that first blink at the

whirling tumbled tempested wonder of it all spread before, around

and within you in timeless kaleidoscopic shifts of endless configuration

Enjoy the journey and the unexpected vision of mountaintops without acme

Revel in strong legs to climb, clear eyes to see, and the wondered whirl writ

in unique imprimatur whorled in your infanted dimpled fingered tip reaching

from then mystic manifestation, whirling through the considered now, into

this mindful moment – breathe the clear cool air of your mountaintop of your

horizonless forever



by Pearl Ketover Prilik


Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik is a freelance writer/psychoanalyst. She has had three non-fiction books published, posts poetry daily online, and has online publication credits.

Seven Ways of Looking at Lightning


And as it walks across the land

With bright sparking legs

The lightning leads the thunder



The static of lightning

Between two hands

And they cannot touch

A thing



The old oak tree still stands

Dark and slightly bent

From the crack of the lightning



The animals know what it means

When the lightning comes



He strikes with lightning

Because then there is fear

Without a face

And with force



It waits

Shooting among the clouds

The lightning baits its prey

As a cat



As lightning does

Quick and brilliant

We have come

And we go



by A.M. Kennedy



A.M. Kennedy is a graduate of the University of South Florida. She lives in the perpetual sunshine of Florida where she enjoys writing a range of fiction from dystopian to horror. Occasionally she is aided by her two loveable muts and insidious feline.

It won’t just be….

It won’t just be the handshake of the ocean. It will also be the empty string of the guitar. and a woman’s voice will sound like the skin of a turtle, wishing. She will not only be wishing but pregnant also. Along with a boy she will carry a marzipan apple and the island of Krk. They will travel out of her soft center to meet the busy sun.

by Gregory Zorko