the age of myths, deconstructed: notes on self


the bleeding horse

who is everyone
and no one

who knew pollock
and picasso

who died in ’56
and again in ’63 and
again in the summer of ’97

who lives

stumbles blindly down
all of the empty streets i’ve
ever lived on

crawls crippled through
broken glass alleys

through november fields
in upstate new york with a
crucifix carved into his
soft belly and his
eyes gouged out

who is pain and
the lack of hope in
a sunlit world

things that matter
whether you
talk about them or not


the burning girl

says she loves you
as she’s dragged through
a barren field in
upstate new york

everything else
smothered by the sound
of flames


the woman who loves pain

calls me ten years later
to say that all is forgiven

to tell me that
her youngest child is dead

her voice nothing
like i remember it


the god of starving dogs

refuses to see himelf
that way

wants nothing more than to
fuck this seventeen year-old waitress
with crosses carved into
her wrists

than to rub her face in
broken glass until
she says she loves him

reminds me of my father
ten years after his death


the burning girl

is raped once
and then a second time

screams against
the black and then
lights it up

brilliant but
not like the face of
any god i’d ever call
my own


the drowning boy

has a name which
no one remembers

is more than just these
last desperate moments
recorded on a cheap sheet
of lined paper
but it’s not enough
to save him

there is possibly
a lesson here


the poet

hates himself

hates the idea of poetry
and he has no use for god
and only a limited concept
of the truth and
his wife loves him despite

her smile
all he needs to know
about religion


the queen of open wounds

who i always describe as
and being fucked

who i never knew
any other way


the man downstairs

with his wife on
her knees

with his hands at
her throat

a picture i’ve painted
a thousand times before

an image i
can’t seem to shake

all of the time
i spent sitting on the
floor and just


the drowning boy

is found
twenty miles away
in the town i grew up in

a small body caught
in the branches

a message from god
if you believe in these things
but what it means isn’t


the god of starving dogs

shows up at my door
on a thursday afternoon

holds out his hands
which are empty but bleeding
from where the nails have
been driven through

are stained with the tears
of his wife and child

of the women he’s touched
in windowless rooms

and maybe i
laugh in his face or
maybe i make the sign of
the evil eye or maybe i
just turn away

something this simple to
help split
the future wide open


my father

collapses on the
kitchen floor

dies two days later
in a
windowless room

i don’t remember
ever telling him
i loved him


the room of empty chairs

in a house where
no one speaks the truth

the way men scream
without conviction about
the will of god

the way gorky steps
easily into empty space

spins slowly for
next fifty-four years


the eye of god

is blind

the words of christ
are meaningless

picture the bodies
of four small children
laid out neatly
on their mother’s bed

picture a hand held
to a burner
in a house five doors down
from your own

talk to me
about faith with the
smell of charred flesh
wrapped around you
like a shroud


the man who murdered cheerleaders

only to end up dead in
a prison cell
by his own hand

i will always regret
not being there to watch
this final act


the man who crushes the skulls of newborn kittens

and then goes home
to kiss his wife

tastes of blood and
of bone
and she wants more

she crawls

believes there are
worse things
than being in love


the burning girl

like anyone else

will prove it
if you ask her to

will be remembered as
a better person than
she actually was

the comparison
to christ
too obvious
to miss


the prince of swords reversed

who i think
might be myself

a face in a
second-story window
on a street that goes nowhere
in both directions

the weight of the sky in
or in january

the sound of my son
playing in another room

something real


the woman who loves pain

crawls into my bed
on the night
before her wedding

tastes of smoke and
of ashes
and i don’t see her again
for four years

i don’t recognize
the person she’s become

don’t understand
the need for all of these
bitter poems

the act of bleeding
was never meant
to be enjoyed


the house of the dying man

is where my wife goes
to be happy

calls me at midnight
to tell me she loves me
and then starts to cry

says that what she’s
afraid of
is the future

all of the ways that
things might go wrong

this space that
has grown between us
no matter how close
we are


the season of rust

is now

look at your hands

consider the world
beyond your pale blue walls

dirt and ice and
a young boy abandoned
in a store by a man who
no longer has any
use for him

the space shuttle
breaking up over texas like
the failing mind of god

the need to know why
is was up there
at all


the season of rust

is forever

this is not prophecy
it’s certainty

i have lived my life in
slowly collapsing buildings
on pitted grey streets

i have stayed thin on
a diet of anger and fear

have become a father
not once but

these beautiful children
who will eventually
be stained by
all of the filth i can’t
protect them from


the queen of open wounds

and her lips that
taste like gasoline

her skin that
bruises too easily

rubbed raw at the ankles
and the wrists and
she smiles for the camera

tells herself that
none of
the pain matters

drinks from a
bowl in the corner then
waits for the next man
to find her


the man who starves horses

says he
knew my father

a drunken fool
he whispers
and then waits for me
to answer

watches my face for
any emotion

laughs when i
turn away
without answering


the burning girl

says she just
wants to be left alone

says none of these poems
have anything
to do with her anyway

doesn’t understand
how easily
addictions begin


the human cathedral

which i would never
call home

walls of bone
and windows like eyes

a door
but always locked
from the wrong side

always smeared
with the blood of priests
and the children
they’ve raped

anything built in the
name of god
never meant to stand


the hill of fifteen crosses

where children are buried

where flowers grow
from the bones

this need to
bury tragedy beneath
so much fragile beauty



who on some days is
the bleeding horse
and on others becomes
my father

always a frightened man

always lost

possibly even myself
which i
almost never admit


upstate new york

beneath the grey skies
of february

a woman found
raped and strangled in a
plain white apartment

her boyfriend

the smell of gasoline


upstate new york

and a six year-old boy
who has been
missing for twelve years now

a barn with
pinted on the side in
letters ten feet tall

all of the fields
i’ve ever walked

all of the people i’ve hurt

none of these
empty confessions ever what
i mean to say


burnt hill road

and all of the years
it took me to escape from there

all of the excuses i’ve made
to avoid going back

the crosses that have sprung up
at the ragged edges of
dying lawns

the fathers who have raped
their daughters
and their daughters’ friends

the ones who begged for more


the man who starves horses

who sits on his porch and
watches the flies gather

listens to the approaching sirens

looks at the shotgun resting
easily scross his knees



which i
still believe in
despite everything


the poet

wants to talk
about addiction

34 years old and
a husband and a father
and he wants only to
stand in a sunfilled room
and feel clean

believes only in the
things he can hold and
the ease with which they
can be broken

understands how
words really are


portions of this poem originally appeared in Muse Apprentice Guild


by John Sweet


[b]Poem Before a War[/b]

On the cusp of a war,
it makes perfect sense
to write of the warm weight
of your body cradling mine, the way
you grip me where thigh meets torso
pulling me into your thrusts,
your fingers pressed deep in my pale flesh,
how you pin me to the bed
your damp chest on my breasts,
the feeding frenzy of our mouths
tasting each other’s blood-flushed bodies.
Limb on limb, arms akimbo,
gristle on bone and shit-stained gore,
the curve of a head in the crook of some arm,
the pulsing feast of maggots
on the blackened bodies of Verdun, at Auschwitz,
and the mass graves of Sarajevo-
and a poem
of your singularly precious body
on mine.

[b]The Collarbone[/b]

What is it with me, this obsession? Is it
a simple matter of attraction?
If it were, it could have been
any number of people. There are
other men here who have- can you believe it?
shown an interest in me.
Intelligent, attractive men.

No, it’s not that, and gee
but does he realize this, much less care?
He caught me once staring at the little bit
of throat and chest he’d bared
when he unbuttoned his white dress shirt.
I was caught like a man who talks to you
without once looking at your face.

So now, he wears his shirts unbuttoned
past his collarbone when we work together
smiling, watching me
all the while. Jesus.
Just to press my lips to his collarbone.
Never before have I endured
such casual cruelty.

[b]The Blessing[/b]

The sensory misers will inherit the earth, but first they’ll make it not
worth living on.
Diane Ackerman

Blessed are the exuberant, the generous,
who live in a world dominated by tight-fisted
prudes and misers, whose visions go as far
as which private school their kids will go to.

Blessed are the passionate, the brave, who
time and again, wade into the icy waters that divide us,
bracing themselves for the sure anguish of love
but embrace it, nevertheless, refusing
the cheap solace of bitterness and self-pity.
For they are surrounded and mocked by safe people
devoid of desire,
too timid for the mess of deep emotion,
too cautious and responsible
to know the sometime painful rapture of love.

In a world where standards are set by the meek
who fit their generic lifestyles to the most shallow mold,
Blessed are the strong, who make no excuses for their strength,
and who, receiving nothing save
the sideline criticism of the sedentary,
act anyway.

And especially Blessed are the compassionate,
whose concern is borne not of a need to coddle or appease,
but of brutal experience and hard-won wisdom,
who are not hamstrung by the urge to please or bound
by moral ties imposed on them, but who recognize the suffering
of the wholly broken, as only the mended can.

by Rebecca Jung (c)2003
([email]gvenneri [at] bellatlantic [dot] net[/email])

[b]Author’s Notes:[/b]
Rebecca Jung received a B.A. in art history from Kent State University, as well as a B.A. in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh. Her poetry and short stories have been published in The Pennsylvania Review, Impetus, The Pittsburgh Quarterly, Wazee Journal, MiPo, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, CC&D, The Festival of Women’s Voices Anthology as well as other anthologies, and a chapbook titled The Relic Maker. She works as a technical and scientific writer and editor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is a member of Erotic Authors Association (EAA).

in the age of unanswerable questions

or what about this?

a man who says i have
the power
to change the world

who sees faith
not as a crutch but
a sword

and what we’ve become
is a nation of children
who cannot be saved

when the mother tells
her daughter’s killer that
he deserves no mercy
the face of god should appear
on every empty billboard
in america

the leaders of nations
should be
burned as witches

after this though

unproven theories in the age of despair

cold sunlight down tracy street
on a sunday morning
and i am almost able to believe that
the past can be left behind

i am tired of these abstractions
like america and god

i have moved awkwardly into the
21st century and brought with me only the bleeding horse
and it walks slowly
from room to room
without ever casting a shadow

and there is a child somewhere
who will be the next one to
die horribly
and there are linda’s sister’s moving through this
lush green landscape
ten years after the cancer
devoured her

nothing is more important than motion

nothing is more important than love

these are the words i write with
my wife and son
two hundred miles away
and i know them to be true but
speaking them out loud is a
different thing altogether

i have learned that silence is
not always failure

is sometimes just weight

it can be carried
but only for a short while


by John Sweet

poem where the skin peels away from the bone

how many years now
since the war to end all wars
and how many more wars?

how many young girl’s bodies
found in the
deserts of southern california?

how many babies left in dumpsters
or in plastic bags?

and there is my wife
who says that no one wants their
face pressed into this much
pain and ugliness and
i agree

i kiss her
as she falls asleep on a
warm september afternoon
then crawl to my desk to
finish this poem

what i never
thought i’d be was
a junkie

if what i am is what you hate

in the cold and almost rain of
a tuesday morning

in the aftermath of
two young boys beaten to death
with grim joy by their mother

money in the slot and then
the sound of your voice

what you say is [i]come home[/i]

what matters aren’t the words
but their weight

the fact that
you mean them despite all
of the pain

how much closer
they bring me to being human