this is the sound of crows

and she is there
at the edge of the field

she is gathering flowers
and the sky
surrounds her

we are not lost

we are not forgotten

we are hopeful
and the book of days is empty
and in the town we left behind
the poets have all
been hung

this is the truth

this is the sound of crows
after three months with
no rain and she
is there

she is gathering flowers
and they turn to dust in her
delicate hands and
the poem inside her heart was
never meant to be read

was never
meant to be written
and the dust falls through
her fingers with the slow
grace of angels

and we are far from home
but hopeful


but the horse is
the rider blind

the doors of the weak
are always waiting
to be kicked in and
i have been promised
rain for
three months now

i have watched
the rivers fade to

i have watched the
hand that holds the flame
reach out to the burning boy
and the smell of his pain
was familiar

the sound of trains
and the screams of young girls
as the showers were
turned on

this is destruction
far beyond the feeble scope
of god

do you understand?

the mother is starving
and has nothing to eat but
her child

the child is sick
and will be dead before
the season of famine
is over

if the word you choose is
there will be no one
with the courage to

Joel Abel (2)


we square off
just outside the bar

this all started when
he looked me dead in
the eyes and said:
“what the fuck are you
looking at, motherfucker?”

he outweighs me by fifty pounds
and stands six inches taller

I’m hopping up and down in place
and he’s still trying to get
his jacket off, while his
old lady is screaming at him
to kick my ass.

he is watching the swelling crowd
taking in all their bullshit
and believing it, when
he should be watching

I’m jumping out of my
seeing everything
so clearly that the edges
of my vision
threaten to grate
against each other
and crack into a million

“fuck it” i think
and for a second, i swear to god that
i love this half drunk red-neck and
his half tore up old lady.
i throw up a half dozen
ghost punches
1 2 3
1 2 3
light as air

a secret heart of
lies at the center
of all men.

his arms struggle free
of his jacket
and i watch it flutter to
the ground
for a second it becomes
a pure wave
in the strong wind.

when it hits the ground
i am moving in.
light on my feet.
ready for pain.

my fists feel
like lightning.


[b]Cricket Music[/b]

stoned on a
hill top in

when suddenly
the band struck up

a cacophony
a blitzkrieg
an orchestra

ten million crickets
banging away like
on ten million little
and tambourines

angry little jazz

we were
a little bit

[b]Country music[/b]

steel guitars
and banjos
and clanging

the sweet
that sound like
you’ve heard them
all your life,
and you have,
you can still remember
your mother doing
a little two step
across the kitchen
floor one day
while you were
still hanging
low in her
just think back far enough.

if you’ve ever smoked
a joint and
listened to willie nelson
hum magic
or jerry jeff
tell us how he got it all wrong
or hank snow
mourn for frauline…
well, then you feel it.

cause in the end
they tell us that he
is from the south
and that she finally
left him,
and that he is drunk again,
and that his heart is
and will never heal
and that even this
is beautiful.

by Joel Abel
([email]cricketbomb [at] yahoo [dot] com[/email])


I don’t remember how I felt
holding your naked body
against mine, our lips pressed
together, then silent mouthing
words lost in that moment.
We stayed there not speaking
our pulses slowing, regulated
by the silence, and it’s a shame
silence had to come then
when I had a head full of ideas.
It was just easier to lay there
solemn as a London guard
at post before change.

Love Poem 20

Looking down
into the clear blue
depths of your eyes
beneath my outstretched arms
toes gripping the edge hard
trying not to lose balance
in the wind
blowing my hair back
like I’m James Dean
and you’re frozen in place
the last second
before a movie kiss
your eyes solid
clear blue
if I fall, will you catch me?

Alicia Ranney

[b]The Library[/b]

A whispered hush blankets the musty room.
Pen and paper merge to pick up any
hitch hiking thoughts.
Pages rip, in disgusted fury, exposing their naked predecessors.

The silence breaks by whispered halls.
Eyes flutter, re-crust over in sleep.
Shuffled footsteps and muffled voices drift by
while half yellowing books stagger their dormant lives.
Their tattered spines hunched over on shelves like gossiping wenches sunning
their frail bodies in the fluorescent light.

My gaze, focused, upon the hundreds of thoughts steaming from bent heads.
Silent, unspoken.
Dancing around the mind like forbidden taboo.
The books hold on cover for my spying eyes,
craving the knowledge of free thought clouding up the musty room.
Curious as a boy, finding his first porn.
Glancing for only a second or so
And jealous of these dying books
staring into the face of any wondering soul.
For hours upon hours
Page after page — thoughts absorbing thoughts.

by Alicia Ranney
([email]boxdchick [at] aol [dot] com[/email])