From across the Tracks

Up county, here in Mount Kisco, the men

from across the tracks wait patiently

at the station every weekday morning,

not for a train, but a day job, seated

on the edge of the sidewalk or against

the fence, near where cars enter to drop off

or pick up, all expectantly catching

the gazes of incoming drivers,

signaling silently, Whatever it is

you have to do, I can do it for you.

By noon, many head home to emptiness,

their wives away to serve as maids for

the more well-to-do. I wait for the train

from the Bronx that brings my housekeeper.


Jim Tilley has published three full-length collections of poetry and a novel with Red Hen Press. His short memoir, The Elegant Solution, was published as a Ploughshares Solo. His poem, “On the Art of Patience,” was selected by Billy Collins to win Sycamore Review’s Wabash Prize for Poetry. Four of his poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His next poetry collection, Ripples in the Fabric of the Universe: New & Selected Poems, will be published in June 2024.


Jim Tilley

A grasshopper in tall grass


The Buddhas

tell us not


to think of

a heaven,

of a hell…


This breath comes.

That breath goes.


Then nothing.



Klara Dan

von Neumann,


drove from home

to the beach—


walked into

the surf and



Woolf wrote:


“Dearest, I

feel certain


I am mad …

again… I


am doing

what seems best…”




sealed off


the kitchen

with towels


to stop gas

from drifting


into where

her children


were sleeping.



Lao Tau says:


“Heaven and

earth are not


humane. They

regard all


as straw dogs.”



The next day

morning came.


nothing at

all changed.


Straw dogs

don’t bark.



William Waters is an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Houston Downtown. Along with Sonja Foss, he is coauthor of Destination Dissertation: A Traveler’s Guide to a Done Dissertation.


William J Waters

On Reading Auden to the Ghost of a Lost Limerence

In the Peabody Library reading room, a ramshackle longing has liberty to roam,
While the rhetoric of busybodied reality bustles without and within
The center of self-knowing. Beneath the architraves scrolled with Grecian ghosts,
And over the bookcases crimped dense with Virgil’s deeds,
Twenty centuries of ‘I Am’s impartially abided to this place divorced of time.
Beside the domesticity of books, the graduate students sit, talking contentedly
Of matters related to weather, and ‘she loves you not’s’ of restrained importance,
And have exiled vellum-spined Kipling, Coleridge, Cranes’ consciousnesses
From their all-important talk, then to someplace as unreached
Within these twenty centuries and five floors of domesticity,
Below whose atrium the unconsoled words of creation
Retire into their dreadful humanity, read through perhaps and put away –
I search in heed for the truest ‘kings of infinite space.’

Wandering the columns of the Peabody,
Bordering a prodigiously fat shelf set aside for the modernist thing,
Certain truths seem forgivable to readers of certain breeds.
To chance upon a no more commonplace volume of Auden –
I turn to his ‘September 3, 1939’ two days, eighty years after the occasion
And chance upon some lady’s no more commonplace tow-color of hair,
Doubtless, having been collected by some stranger into a blonde plait,
A stranger whose limerence had left it truer bookmarked beside the verse –
‘For the error bred in the bone
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.’


A young poet whose work can be best described as “allowing the glory of the mundane to permeate our understanding.”


Maxwell Tang


It was spring, no I mean dusk, and the killdeer began stepping up out

of intricate doors in the field.


They sported unseen fires beneath their downy vests.


Their presence had been warming the soil before the corn crop, except

for their dead sisters, brothers who had joined the soil.



No, that was in my dream, before the part where the covers had parted

and a voice I didn’t recognize asked a question.


It felt like an ancient alphabet trying to spell some message.


It left a churning in my belly for the rest of that day, and again the day




And the killdeer, that first night, had yet to break their wings.


They had no fear of owls, nor of hawks in the morning, after



And the toe prints they left in the muddy swale read as the myth of



Steve Fay began life twelve miles from the Mississippi River in western Illinois. Since the mid-1970s, many journals have published his poetry, which lately appears (or is forthcoming) in: Closed Eye Open, Comstock Review, Decadent Review, Jabberwock Review, Menacing Hedge, Santa Clara Review, Tar River Poetry, The Dewdrop, TriQuarterly, and Watershed Review. His collection, what nature: Poems (Northwestern UP, 1998), was cited by the editors and board of The Orion Society as one of their 10 favorite nature/culture-related books of the 12-month period in which it appeared. He lives among wooded ravines and a donkey pasture in Fulton County, Illinois.


Steve Fay

What to Wear When Having a Drink with Your Ex

It has been forty years.

he in New York me in San Francisco.

erasing him with ease for forty years. yet he is coming

and wants to meet for a drink. really?

does he regret   the divorce and realize he fucked

up by sleeping with Sally and Sara and Sue?

spending weekends shuffling numbers in his fancy office

on the thirty-sixth floor. but honey

my heartstrings have moved on. happily


Married to a marvelous man. and what

would I wear? certainly not my usual jeans or sweats

that make me look dowdy. which I definitely am. but

certainly not a tight sweater over sagging boobs.

certainly not scads of makeup. which I would have to buy.

I don’t want to fire up his remorse. or do I?

vengeance sweeter than Christmas pie. especially pecan.

rolling the taste on my tongue like a butterscotch disc.

what about the bills for two-hundred dollar “massages”?


Yet we did have some good times, didn’t we? I finger

my rosary of memories. breathless in Florence

standing before David. Coins tossed

in Trevi Fountain. but honey do I really want

to reminisce? do I really want to spend strung-out nights

worrying about what to wear? and fretting

that faint embers might gleam again? flaring

with a word, a look, or even a friendly kiss.

maybe best to say I am busy.

for the next forty years.


Claire Scott is an award-winning poet who has received multiple Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work has appeared in the Atlanta Review, Bellevue Literary Review, New Ohio Review and Healing Muse among others. Claire is the author of Waiting to be Called and Until I Couldn’t. She is the co-author of Unfolding in Light: A Sisters’ Journey in Photography and Poetry.


Claire Scott

Somewhere in the Midst of Me, a Twig Snapped

I am okay with being

monstrous, I know

how you view me when I

step out with three heads, I

know the many ways

you think of me.

The day folds

up into a tiny square

which I put into my

middle mouth, underneath its

tongue. Watch the neck twitch.

I am many things but

easy is not one. I try to

hold myself between my

fingers and you know

what happens. Are you

formless as water, like me?

When did you last throw a knife

into a mirror, bare your

teeth with eyes

wide from hunger?

When they first clothed me,

somewhere in the midst of me,

a twig snapped.

And it radiated outward

like a bomb.


Zeke Shomler

Zeke Shomler is currently pursuing a combined MA/MFA at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His work has appeared in Cordite, Stone Poetry Quarterly, After Happy Hour Review, and elsewhere online.

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