Nature is Nurture

I swear I can feel the grass

extend myself out, reach to touch

pet and adore, show my affection.


Light makes me marvel

all those photons busy working;

a free painting every second.


If my hope were tangible

I could easily say

it lives in times of quiet

blessed by a hummingbird

beating its wings.



Penney Knightly

Penney Knightly is a survivor of sexual abuse; themes about that are often found in her work. Her poetry has appeared in Broad Magazine, Big River Review, Dead King, Ink in Thirds, and elsewhere. She lives with her family on a sailboat in the San Francisco Bay, where she writes and makes art. She tweets @penneyknightly and shares on her blog


This is how it is

The little ant stood on the edge of

the curb, to avoid being stepped on

and looked down,

as the city crowds shuffled by,

faces clinched to another

average  day.


And  someone noticed the little ant,

on the curb’s edge – and shouted

to the ant, “Jump! Jump you little fucker!”


It’s tough out here.


Tony Walton

Tony Walton is a Caribbean writer living in the Cayman Islands. His works have appeared in Storyteller Magazine, Moonkind Press, Whisperings Magazine, Mountain Tales Press, Out of Our Magazine, Poydras Review, Poetry Bay Magazine, Burningword Literary Journal, Wilde Magazine, Nite Writers Literary International Literary Journal, Tiny Moments, Avalon Literary Review, Iceland Daily, East Lit Literary Magazine, Boston Poetry Magazine, Eunoia Magazine, Olentangy Review, Carnival Literary Magazine, Verity LA, Phantom Kangaroo, Tincture Journal, Star 82 Review, Seltzerzine, Literature Today and Morphorg Magazine.




it is better than an empty closet,

for it encourages thrift

and reminds us

that we can, indeed, slam

those rosewood doors,

a cautious sanctimony

tucked in the scarves

of the accomplished

and inarguably well-spoken moms

who told us of regrets

we ought not to strive for.




and reach as lost stars do.

the clothes on our backs

flapping in light autumn sweat.

ready to be folded

again, near public showers.




Kristine Brown

Kristine Brown is a freelance writer and editor located in Southwest Texas. Her writing has been featured in Forage Poetry, In-Flight Literary Magazine, Dulcet Quarterly, Thought Catalog, Journal of Asian Politics and History, and Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry. While her work is driven by research, Kristine aims to expand herself creatively through poetry and prose. She experiments with writing at her blog, Crumpled Paper Cranes (



A.J. Huffman

A Brand New World


Strange cracks evaporate,

buckle like a sky that has forgotten

its blue.  Clouds

crawl off the floor, point

accusingly at stars swearing

they are innocent as a bathroom

mirror.  Three leaves send up smoke

signals, invitations to tomorrow’s mess.



Of Onions and Umbrellas


Parallel creatures of hanging,

droplets are their common denomination.

Production vs. repellant.  Necessity

will decide as I stand in abandoned

doorway.  Surrounded

by solace, I waver

between kitchen cabinets and countryside

pathways.  I inhale

freedom-scented winds from both sides.

I wonder if I held

a match between my teeth,

would I spark, change

the weather or the world?



Midnight in Central Park


Clock tolls, harsh tones

of deadline’s passing.  Old contracts

now void; New contracts, yet to be

inked, lay stagnant on conference-room table.

The squirrels and pigeons have spent hours

painting protest slogans on posterboards,

now firmly fastened to limbs

graciously donated by the trees.  Morning

will find a feral picket line rising

with the sun.  Let the tourists try

and cross.  A mouthful of human nuts might be

an interesting change of pace.  Thoughts darken

as demands are prepared for release.  Select

branches have been branded, stand ready

for wind’s first liberation movement.  Seeds and

crumbs to be bickered over, most will be fodder

for the camel-cracking straw: Respect.  Less

smoking.  The flowers feel brown tint

is a terrible shade to bloom.  No stilettos.  The grass

is wimpy, sparse at best, already aerated enough.

Absolute banishment of Alka-Seltzer.

Some urban legends need not be

granted acreage for daily testing by teenagers.

Mandatory permits for artists and musicians.  The

ability to hold can or conversation does not make

a Monet or Missy Elliot.  Little reprieves

that might make the daily doses of drunks and

muggers bearable.  The last

[semi]natural wildlife in this city is crying

out for compromise.


Dawn comes, as do the villagers.  Both storm past,

ignore flurry of fur and feathers, paws and wings.

These mindless migrants remain

too blinded by their own

desire to beat the rush, to make the train.



A.J. Huffman

A.J. Huffman has published thirteen full-length poetry collections, thirteen solo poetry chapbooks and one joint poetry chapbook through various small presses. Her most recent releases, The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns (Scars Publications), Degeneration (Pink Girl Ink), A Bizarre Burning of Bees (Transcendent Zero Press), and Familiar Illusions (Flutter Press) are now available from their respective publishers. She is a five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, a two-time Best of Net nominee, and has published over 2600 poems in various national and international journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, The Bookends Review, Bone Orchard, Corvus Review, EgoPHobia, and Kritya.


Charles Hayes


Through shoes with cardboard soles that sport a clownish grin, my blackened toes flash like rotten teeth. Crows, spooked from the pizza box atop the trash, hurl their curses from the wires on high, to the concrete canyons of misty light.

Chalk colored piles with dark swirls,, like rippled custard, dot the box, and I wonder at the absence of odor, as I lift the lid. One piece is better than none, a find at last, and some fluff for a bowel that growls.

Sitting on the curb, my breezy feet to face, I figure that I have had worse, and smack the pizza down. Time to nap, I scan the shadowed doors about, and see my pick is occupied. A lumpy blanket squeezing hair, with weathered boots parked aside.

Removing my flaps of shod I waft to the shadowed lee, do a trade and carry on.

The crows are quiet as sin.


By The Sea

Arching its neck over the undulating highway to feed from the other side, an orange dinosaur fittingly forms a gateway for my passing, a secrete portal to new things in a world of vivid color. In awe of this unexpected find, I smile and look aside at the jungle flashing by. Along its face smiling heads of scaly creatures look out to welcome me. Huge friendly eyes, shaded by leathery furrowed brows, seem to say, “What took you so long?”

Turning to Bill to share my joy, I exclaim, “After all the looking, I have finally found it!” Bill is undisturbed to part from his muse and turn his mask of calm my way. Simply meeting my eyes, he knows, yet he needs not say. Turning back to his muse and calmly tooling the little VW through the herds of prehistory, Bill drives on.

In the back seat Rocky laughs and says, “Danny tried to set me on fire.” Looking back between the seats, I see that Danny has lit a cigarette, its blood red swirls of smoke flashing tracers from the rear window sunbeams. Immune to Rocky’s claim, Danny returns my look and shrugs. Rocky immediately forgets his outcry but likes the attention anyway. Scrunched together, excitement in their eyes, like Bill, they are watching. I watch too. And together, the miles suck us in.


For a moment the late autumn sea leaves me a child standing in the middle of an empty slate dump, grey expanses running to steep hills of leafless timber. Then, I am here again, as slate grey seas kiss a cumulous scattered sky.

Danny squeals and dances in the surf while I and others sit in the sand, our sneakers wet by his dance’s reach. Suddenly across the tableau of what seemed untouchable for so long, a string of pretty girls parade, all enjoying the ancient interest of our smiles, yet bemused by them a stitch.

Wildwood by the Sea blesses our short stay as another portal begins to close. Still whooping and high kicking the curled white froth, Danny does not see. Grinning at this sight, like a silent monk, I wait. It will not be long now.


Charles Hayes

Charles Hayes, a Pushcart Prize Nominee, is an American who lives part time in the Philippines and part time in Seattle with his wife. A product of the Appalachian Mountains, his writing has appeared in Ky Story’s Anthology Collection, Wilderness House Literary Review, The Fable Online, Unbroken Journal, CC&D Magazine, Random Sample Review, The Zodiac Review, eFiction Magazine, Saturday Night Reader, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Scarlet Leaf Publishing House, Burning Word Journal, eFiction India, and others.



Ron Riekki, Featured Author

Setting the Landlord on Fire


Let me explain something first.

This was by mistake.

Although I remember a motivational speaker

saying something about how there are no mistakes.

And it was only his face.

I was trying to do a circus trick.

I was drunk.

He had a giraffe shirt on

so I couldn’t miss him.

I spit the vodka aflame into his face


and he had a beard

and mustache—had

and fell back

into the Christmas tree,

which wasn’t my Christmas tree,

because I’m not Christian

and I don’t own a saw.

I’m Saami,

which is a people

of genocide


and maybe this is the first time you’ve ever heard of us,

in this poem

about my landlord

rolling around

in the thorns

or whatever

of silver and gold


orbs and beads and crucifixes

that unfortunately


do stick in backs

and he didn’t die

or even get wounded

that badly.

It was more embarrassment.

Like every time I go to the slot

and put the check in

and realize I can’t even hear it

hit the bottom.

I don’t even have the satisfaction of that.


The EMT Instructor Shows Us a Video of a Man Falling to His Death


There is, of course, absolutely nothing

to be learned from this.

Other than I should have spent more money

on the college.

Except this isn’t really a college.


It’s more of a basement in need of a shave.

The man keeps falling in the video,

mostly because the instructor keeps playing it

and laughing and he looks like

he’s eaten people’s dreams his whole life.


Not the man falling.  The man falling

looks like nothing.  He looks like a flash

of flesh.  He is nameless and he’s not

nameless and I look at the teacher

who doesn’t teach who looks like


he was eating a dream last night,

all night long, in his insomnia,

and I wonder what happened

that made him think he can do anything,

say anything, and have no repercussions.




It’s a city.

You’ve never heard of it.

It was New Year’s Day.

You’ve never heard of that either.

It’s a day in the U.S.

where everyone commits suicide.

I’m defining Negaunee for you.

I can’t explain New Year’s Day.

It’s too complicated.

It’s sort of like Christmas

but with more syphilis.

We went out to go shovel

but the shovel was buried

under ten feet of snow,

because I come from a place

where we have to shovel

a hole up to the sky,

building a ladder

so that we can crawl

out of our homes

up onto the snow banks

where the crows are waiting

to eat our eyes.  But if you’re fast,

you’ll eat theirs first.


Typhoid Donald

for Kevin Simmonds

German wonder crook,

wintered why

the talk to the lot of us

could be so lethal,

and yet, even told that,

we know,


and don’t even wonder.

Not the women, not the men,

not even when the blood

legs its way over to us.

We turn


and blink and four years fly by

on our new island, walled and chained.

Ah, Donald,

from the Gaelic, ‘ruler of the world.’

We hear your magnificent

hard rule

of pus and drool.


Ron Riekki


Ron Riekki’s books include U.P.: a novel (Sewanee Writers Series and Great Michigan Read nominated), The Way North: Collected Upper Peninsula New Works (2014 Michigan Notable Book from the Library of Michigan and finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award/Grand Prize shortlist, Midwest Book Award, Foreword Book of the Year, and Next Generation Indie Book Award), Here: Women Writing on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (2016 IPPY/Independent Publisher Book Award Gold Medal Great Lakes—Best Regional Fiction and Next Generation Indie Book Award—Short Story finalist), and And Here: 100 Years of Upper Peninsula Writing, 1917-2017 (Michigan State University Press, 2017).