Holly Willis

Peony 2

Peony 2

Peony 3

Peony 3

Holly Willis

Holly Willis is a hybrid artist/theorist working primarily in film, video, and still photography. Her work often examines the materiality of the image within a broader context of new materialist philosophy and the histories of experimental film, video, and photography with the goal of designing encounters with media that spark an embodied sense of curiosity and wonder alongside critical reflection about our relationship with the matter around us.

Jim Ross

Maltese Cross

Maltese Cross

Black Parrot

Black Parrot


Jim Ross

Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With a graduate degree from Howard University, in eight years, he’s published nonfiction, fiction, poetry, photography, hybrid, interviews, and plays in nearly 200 journals on five continents. Photo publications include Alchemy Spoon, Barnstorm, Bombay Gin, Burningword, Camas, Feral, Phoebe, Stoneboat, Stonecoast, and Whitefish. Text-based photo essays include Amsterdam Quarterly, Barren, DASH, Kestrel, Ilanot Review, Litro, NWW, Paperbark, Pilgrimage Magazine, Sweet, and Typehouse. He recently wrote/acted in a one-act play and appeared in a documentary limited series broadcast internationally. Jim and family split time between city and mountains.

Only real bitches play bingo.

I’m talking the bitches who bring

their own dotting pens—the variety

pack that includes the bonus

glitter pen in fuschia. The bitches

who bring their own refreshments

and candies for when their blood

sugar inevitably drops

when the bitch across the room

yells bingo on a 30 dollar crazy L

card. Of course the bitch gets it.

She was winking at the caller

so of course the ball that came

next was a gift from him. His

balls. That’s what the real bitches—

my grandma and her friends say

when they lose. That, or they shit

talk the ugly Christmas sweater

that wasn’t ugly at all, even though

they’re all wearing gas station souvenir

shirts from tropical trips they took

years ago “before the ‘Vid hit.”

I ended up winning big—about

150 dollars richer but about 10

years lesser for it, but I was the bitch

who won three rounds while

the bitches were busy bitching.

Abigale Tabor

Abigale Tabor is a somewhat-recent college graduate living in a somewhat-decent town in northern Florida who writes poetry that echoes her life.

Listed at Duotrope
Listed with Poets & Writers
CLMP Member
List with Art Deadline
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