Promise I Make Myself

When I turn 70, I am embracing vices

like a newly-discovered, long-lost twin,

like an adolescent puppy love,

vices I avoided all my life out of fear,

abundant caution and good common sense.

I will smoke cigarettes like Bogart and Garbo—

seriously, mysteriously, sexily,

and casually.  I will smoke cigars

and pipes.  I will dare cancer to catch me.

I will dabble in recreational drugs,

will sample ecstasy, hallucinogens,

and, of course, marijuana.  I will eat

the whole brownie, maybe two, and will sleep

the deep and blissful sleep of the stoned

and will laugh myself silly

at ordinary wonders of the world.

I will mix myself boozy drinks with names

like Moscow Mule or White Russian or Sex

on the Beach or Mai Tai.  I will go nude

at nude beaches and stare unabashedly

at naked splendors there displayed.  I will.

I will hire expensive companions

and have unwise, illicit, unsafe sex.

I will gamble.  I will ride in helicopters

and bi-planes, on backs of motorcycles,

my arms around the supple, sinuous waists

of younger daredevils.  I will be

a daredevil.  I will eat like Anthony Bourdain.

When I turn 70, I will explore

all the vices, including the one

my parents thought the worst of all

the others, the biggest sin: indolence.


Cecil Morris

Cecil Morris has been nominated for a Pushcart in 2021, 2022, and 2023. He and his indulgent partner, the mother of their children, divide their year between the central valley of California and the Oregon coast. He has poems appearing or forthcoming in The Ekphrastic Review, English Journal, Hole in the Head Review; Rust + Moth, Sugar House Review, Willawaw Journal, and other literary magazines.

Yewon Han

Polyphony 2

Polyphony 2

Yewon Han

Yewon Han, a Senior at Dulwich College Seoul, is fascinated by surrealism and philosophy in art. She experiments with form, texture, and color in mixed media. Inspired by filmmakers like Gerwig and Coppola, Yewon seeks to expand her artistic range and express her unique view.

Featured Artist: Stevie Rosenfeld

In the blue hour

In the blue hour



The path less taken

The path less taken


Stevie Rosenfeld

Stevie has always been fascinated by nature, finding beauty in its intricacies, resilience, vulnerability, and anthropomorphic tendencies. She feels welcomed into its culture, always without question or judgment, and is where she receives some of her greatest gifts and feels most at home.  Her series, Nature’s Spirit, is an homage to the natural world and her deep connection to it.  Nature’s Spirit aims to transcend visual perceptions and capture the spiritual essence of each unique encounter, prompting reflections on human entanglements, relationships with darkness and light, elemental similarities, and what mysteries may lie beyond. Stevie’s photographic work has been in many publications and galleries.

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