Gaia Elemental

To wind that blows from better days

with the scent of mint and honeysuckle,

I thank you for this breath of fresh air

in weather long past prediction.


To sun that sets into the ocean

whose water does not dowse,

I warm my hands tonight

on the campfire you set today.


To rain that cleans and cools

the wounds and thirsts for more,

from cupped hands I drink

my limit of clear waterfall.


To all elements, all hungers,

may I learn to give what you need

and fair portion of what you want.


To the earth that bears us,

I mourn the scars of our legacy

but thank you for the home we share

atop your weathered body.



by Robert S. King


Robert S. King, a native Georgian, now lives in the mountains near Hayesville, NC. His poems have appeared in hundreds of magazines, including California Quarterly, Chariton Review, Hollins Critic, Kenyon Review, Lullwater Review, Main Street Rag, Midwest Quarterly, Negative Capability, Southern Poetry Review, and Spoon River Poetry Review. He has published three chapbooks (When Stars Fall Down as Snow, Garland Press 1976; Dream of the Electric Eel, Wolfsong Publications 1982; and The Traveller’s Tale, Whistle Press 1998). His full‐length collections are The Hunted River and The Gravedigger’s Roots, both in 2nd editions from FutureCycle Press, 2012; and One Man’s Profit from Sweatshoppe Publications, 2013.


C Carol poems

coffee ring residue


she said, lately i’m as comforting

as a cup of day-old, microwaved coffee


i told her, silly kitten – you don’t drink java


you’re missing the point


where were you saturday night?

why did you stumble home at 4:00 AM?

who were you with?


no one; no body (spoke Odysseus, the liar)


credit cards leave a paper trail

like little, extramarital breadcrumbs


she asked me, when was the last time

you were honest with yourself

or with me?


i shrugged and emptied myself into the drain




not my best


put the blue one on, she said

i like that one


she helps me

pull the windsor knot



water on the stove

for coffee

don’t forget




i wasn’t feeling

my best

(not my best at all)


but she helps

me find the buttons

and keeps

my tie





C Carol studied poetry under Diane Wakoski at Michigan State University and has been published in Empty Mirror ( and elsewhere.


Being on the run wasn’t half as glamorous as I had expected: they never tell you about Bonnie and Clyde shitting in the woods.


by Samuel Best


Samuel Best is a Glasgow-based writer and also runs Octavius, a literary magazine for students studying in Scotland. Samuel is currently writing two novels based on different blends of Scottish national identity, violence and running away. He tweets at @spbbest and has more stories available here: