Cerebral Atrophy

They came in a pack of four. The wolves from the Justice Department descended on my father once the disease became too advanced to conceal. Sometimes he recognized them for the enemy they were but there were instances when he thought they were old acquaintances and he wanted to reminisce about incidents that they had no prior knowledge of. I did my best to keep the predators away but they snuck in disguised as doctors, deliverymen and caretakers.

They came in a pack of four. The extended members of the family pretended to visit but really wanted to assess the situation personally. They insisted on holding their “visits” where they could whisper so low that my father had no idea what they were saying. They looked at each other more than they looked at him and some, I am sure, had never met him before though they all insinuated otherwise.

They came in a pack of four. The batteries arrived in the mail accompanied by a handful of wires in an unmarked envelope as a warning of things to come. My hands shook and everything spilled to the floor. The meaning was that the guests from out of town were more worried about the local boys than they let on. If you’re lucky, you get one warning.

They came in a pack of four. The sleeping pills with all the warnings, side effects, and harmful drug interactions were in individualized boxes but there was no shortage of them.  I made sure my father’s prints were on every box, every label, and every piece of inner wrap. I put all of them in his mouth – four at a time – and forced him to drink them down. I held his hands and watched him leave.

by Michael Gunn


Michael Gunn has been previously published in Shotgun Honey.

Rit Bottorf

The Track

This track is bloated with the grotesque and mad

in their low-wage dresses and top-dollar perfumes,

whoring their hearts for Vegas magic

as angels trumpet perverse songs of praise

for the thoroughbreds racing through the crimson mist.

But under these halogen skies

my faith is restored by the men of the raceway

and their eternal recklessness,

carrying oxygen tanks like embattled soldiers

stepping through a nuclear blast,

kissed by the sun’s flame

and sculpted by a forgotten God

into the last lineage of the holy and sane.





Under these gaslight lamps marauders plot and pivot and hustle,

starving for the invention of disorder,

speaking with corroded tongues. Indigo bubble vests

thick as whale blubber on the stoops they perch

amidst this decaying paradise of lost souls and poverty

and lucid dreams of journeys through place and time

where men like this cease to exist and are replaced

with inanimate objects born of crest and creed. For the quest

goes without saying and such is evident by the strollers

occupying the crumbled lots and resurrecting their walls

with disdain and merry and lies through the ears of those

not born with reserves nor a gambler’s eye

but rather see this conquering of lands as a black hole

that only grows deeper for the void of life it creates.


by Rit Bottorf


Rit Bottorf lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife and daughter.

For An Evening

the window is open

to the sound

of the water



the light

from the waning


speaks softly

to the corner table


you left

a glass by

the kitchen sink

pale pink tracing

the line

where your lips

had been


by A.M. Clarke