undocumented immigrant

a wave good-bye

a hug, a kiss


a thirsty Hispanic teen

travels north

on blazing train-car roofs

and searing dirt roads

away from king-pin violence

and cold fear

towards warm streets

paved of gold

caught crossing the border

an embarrassed patrol worker whispers

aquí está su casa billete de autobús


by John Sweeder

John Sweeder is a retired university professor from La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA. He considers himself an emerging poet and memoirist who has had several poems published in The Opening Line Literary ‘Zine and The Ocean City Sentinel. He is presently self-publishing a completed work entitled, Breathing through a Straw: A Memoir for Baby Boomers and Neurotic Catholics, one chapter per month, at https://jsweeder.wordpress.com/. Prior to his retirement, he  wrote several scholarly articles in his field and co-authored an academic textbook entitled, Drowning in the Clear Pool: Cultural Narcissism, Technology, and Character Education, with Peter Lang Press.


My hope is a blue fluffy pillow.

A mirror of the sky, there to cushion my falls.

It glows; sunlight through a window.


My hope is the city.

The smell of cigarettes

mingling with bus exhaust.

Empty sky with stars on the ground

in orderly lines.


My hope is the ocean.

Giving and taking.

Advancing and receding.

Salty air on my skin.


My hope is the bells in the distance.

Spices and smoke,

foreign places I have yet to see.


My hope is laughter,

my hope is wails.

My hope is goodbyes and hellos and the tippy-tap of little feet.

My hope is life.


by Katherine Pixley


Kate Pixley is a poet, comedian, and student from Des Moines, Iowa.

The Ways of Peace

–dedicated to Gandhi and King


wage a war of peace

a war of peaceful ways

a war of peaceful means


let violence be validation of violent

let murder be mandate of murderers

let bloodstains stain bloody, blood soaked hands


but let conquerors conquer by means of peace.


wage a war of peace

a war of peaceful ways

a war of peaceful means


let legacies of brave be legacies of peace

let ways of strong be peaceful ways

let days of wise be peaceful days


to the end so it is to always seek.


let violent be violent

let murderers be murderous

let clamorers clamoring conflict clamor


but let wise, let strong, let brave,

let courageous, conquerors champion

the ways of peace


by Jerry Johnson

Jerry Johnson is a new writer to the Connecticut/New York area.  He does performance poetry at several venues in New York City and has published one e-book, “Good Morning 2015, An Inspirational Journey”.