In the Company of Others

I am more than interlaced        fingers,

a tangle of limbs


As I get older, I am learning

the difference between


words that are blue and words that      are

dark like the insides of people—


Clots and handfuls of flesh

that are more than my gender,


more than my wild ankles

with the bones round and clear like planets


The arsenal is the judgement of

my womanhood—


I was never a person with blood on her hands,

never the




A creation, I was an infant child born in the middle,

a girl in a brother’s clothing


Words have meaning, despite what

people say


Now is a time when the


punishment for everything is



by Kristin LaFollette


Kristin LaFollette received her BA and MA in English and creative writing from Indiana University. She is a PhD student in the English (Rhetoric & Writing) program at Bowling Green State University. Her poems have been featured in West Trade Review, Poetry Quarterly, Lost Coast Review, Slipstream Press, The Light Ekphrastic, The Main Street Rag, and River Poets Journal, among others. She also has artwork featured in Harbinger Asylum, Plath Profiles: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Sylvia Plath Studies, Pretty Owl Poetry, and Spry Literary Journal. She lives with her husband in northwestern Ohio. You can visit her at


Connor Fieweger


His torso entangled

unsure of its ends.

And there, Atlas

Heavenly heaving

again and again.

Deep bronze bodies smelted by Hephaestus

His, their sarcic art

Sheeted furnace Aristophanes fulfilling.




He stands on the curb

Alongside another

A brother

Of sorts.

Someone approaches, a brother of Other.

“Fuck that shit, bitch, get the fuck off my block!”

Glock cocked a god’s knuckle cracks

Saltpeter theogony, flesh behind

Spattering brother’s blood before

Pollocking the pavement




Something within him

“Touch it”, it tells

He listens

Feeling the severed ligaments

They’re… wet

He keels.

He expels,

Pollocking the pavement

Sarcic art.


by Connor Fieweger


Je Crois

that dusk which is the start of deadly night

when darkness hides our evils and fears

and men surrender to folly and violence


that dusk, the gentle laying of a robe of pink

over a hot day of white sun or endless storms

that covered the roiling sky black at noon


with wind howling and rain lashing at faces;

that dusk the delicate hand of rest when the air

finally cools down the washes and gullies


where the heat still reflects, rocks warm to touch,

this breath of evening air relieves the oppression

and we can afford to move now before that dark


sky arrives, watch the light fade, a draining of all

the travails of the day, a promise that shadows

will melt, creation arise on the morrow, whether


sodden or sultry it will be as unprecedented as

a clean sun rising over all our waste and wild

spaces, dusk a distant matter of perspective.


by Emily Strauss


Emily Strauss has an M.A. in English, but is self-taught in poetry, which she has written since college Over 350 of her poems appear in a wide variety of online venues and in anthologies, in the U.S. and abroad. She is both a Best of the Net and Pushcart nominee. The natural world of the American West is generally her framework; she also considers the narratives of people and places around her. She is a semi-retired teacher living in California.